Bio-Strath Junior Fatigue & Stress enables children from the age of 4 to enjoy the benefits of the Bio-Strath supplement. The formula used, acclaimed by numerous clinical studies, helps reduce fatigue and combat the effects of stress, for improved well-being.
Bio-Strath supplements contain a nutritional yeast called Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which boosts the immune system and is an excellent natural source of B vitamins. Thanks to a special manufacturing process developed by Bio-Strath, this yeast is fed selected plant extracts and then liquefied by fermentation.
The nutrients in the plasmolysed* yeast thus obtained are released quite naturally, without heat, thus preserving their integrity.
* The plasmolysis process used prevents the yeast from multiplying, so there's no danger of yeast overgrowth for Candida albican sufferers using Bio-Strath.