Probiotiques Once Daily 30 Milliards UFC Garden of Life - La Boite à Grains

Probiotics Once Daily 30 Billion CFU

Brand : Garden of Life
SKU: 65801012017
Enjoy daily gastrointestinal support with this unique formula created by Garden of Life based on beneficial probiotics. It combines different strains that resist gastric acidity and bile.
Subtotal: 39.99$
Probiotiques Once Daily 30 Milliards UFC Garden of Life - La Boite à Grains

Probiotics Once Daily 30 Billion CFU


Probiotics Once Daily 30 Billion CFU

Format: 30 vegetarian capsules

***The number of cultures in this product is guaranteed refrigerated. For online orders, we cannot guarantee that the product will be refrigerated from start to finish.

Enjoy daily gastrointestinal support with this unique formula created by Garden of Life based on beneficial probiotics. It combines different strains that resist gastric acidity and bile. Gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, vegetarian.

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