Gisele Cannalonga Naturopath / RHN

À propos de Gisele Cannalonga Naturopath / RHN

Gisele Cannalonga is an expert in health and well-being, working to help people rediscover the joys of a healthy, balanced life. A graduate of the CSNN - Canadian School of Natural Nutrition as a holistic nutritionist and of the Sun Therapy Institute in naturopathy, she holds the title of R.H.N. (Registered Holistic Nutritionist) and is also a certified weight loss coach for the Metabolic Balance program. An active member of the Association des naturothérapeutes professionnels du Québec (ANPQ), she is committed to promoting sustainable, balanced lifestyle habits.

Passionate about health, food education and well-being, Gisele is an inspiration to those who aspire to a better quality of life. Born into a family where meals were central, she has always been fascinated by the impact of nutrition and lifestyle on health. Having overcome health problems herself, she understands the importance of changing habits to achieve well-being.

Gisele is available to accompany individuals on their journey to better physical and mental health, providing personalized advice and tailored support. She is fluent in French, English, Portuguese and Spanish, offering her services to a wide audience.

Convinced that everyone is capable of making informed choices to improve their health, Gisele is committed to inspiring and guiding those seeking to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Always open to collaborations and conferences, she is a valuable resource for anyone wishing to discuss nutrition, wellness and healthy living.

Training courses of Gisele Cannalonga, Naturopath

  • Certified Naturopath, (ND): Sun Therapy Institute Diploma
  • Holistic Nutritionist, RHN: Diploma from CSNN - Canadian School of Natural Nutrition

Services of Gisele Cannalonga, Naturopath

Discovery Program

Looking for nutrition and lifestyle coaching? Gisele works with a variety of clients to help them achieve their goals through simple, tasty eating. Whatever your aspirations, she'll design a personalized program to help you make them a reality!

If you're looking to improve your health and nutrition, or if you've tried different diets without success, Gisele invites you to book a consultation for her Discovery Program.


Lifestyle with IGBas

Starting a low glycemic index program can be a golden opportunity to reconnect with yourself and take control of your well-being. In adopting this dietary rebalancing, we generally tend to adjust our meals and pay particular attention to what we eat.

Revisiting our daily eating habits, reducing our sugar intake, favouring nourishing whole foods such as cereals and legumes, and giving pride of place to fruit and vegetables can only benefit us!


Metabolic Balance

Altered metabolism can have a positive impact on diet-related metabolic disorders, promoting weight loss as well as improved health, well-being and vitality.

Metabolism is the foundation of all vital processes in the human body, encompassing all biochemical processes in the organism.

In this program, a blood test is required to assess nutrient levels and detect any deficiencies or excesses. This step enables us to assess how well the body is functioning, and to identify any inflammation or risk of future disease. Laboratory results are used to detect and improve various health problems such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, pancreatic and liver disorders, and many others.

The Metabolic Balance® dietary program is based on the assumption that each individual is capable of producing his or her own enzymes and hormones for optimal functioning. Based on the results of blood tests, the program develops a personalized diet plan, tailored to your specific needs and body composition.

Backed by 20 years of research and the participation of over a million people worldwide, Metabolic Balance® is a proven method for regulating your diet to boost your metabolism. The system works in harmony with your body to stimulate the release of insulin in a natural way, regulating your metabolism and promoting rapid, safe weight loss without the sensation of food deprivation.

This program could be for you if :

  • Despite all your efforts, you're still unable to lose weight
  • You experience body pain, inflammation or soreness
  • Your libido is low
  • You are insulin-resistant
  • You suffer from rheumatoid arthritis
  • High blood pressure or bad cholesterol levels
  • You have skin problems
  • You have intestinal problems
  • You have hepatic steatosis
  • You aspire to better mental and physical health
  • You want to regain your self-confidence
  • You want to feel good about yourself

To make an appointment with Gisele Cannalonga, Naturopath

  • In person or online
  • A receipt will be provided for insurance purposes.

First appointment (free)

Gisele would be delighted to chat with you and introduce you to the programs available to offer you better health and a healthy lifestyle. This free meeting will last 15 minutes and will give you a good idea of who Gisele is and how she works.

Next appointments

Length and frequency vary according to the program, needs and goals determined at the first meeting.

Titre de sa profession

Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Coach and Certified Naturopath

Affiliations de Gisele Cannalonga Naturopath / RHN

Member of ANPQ and CSNN Alumni Association

Connaissances approfondies de Gisele Cannalonga Naturopath / RHN

  • Hormonal balance
  • Weight loss (sustainable)
  • Eating re-education
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Coordonnées de Gisele Cannalonga Naturopath / RHN

  • Consult the website of Gisele Cannalonga Naturopath
  • Phone number: +1 613-265-8816
  • Email :
  • Retrouver Gisele Cannalonga Naturopath / RHN en personne à son magasin d'opération

  • Meet Gisele Cannalonga at La Boite à Grains - Plateau or in La Boite à Grains - Gréber. She will be happy to advise you on how to nourish your health and well-being.