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Managing stress: 4 solutions

by La Boite à Grains 09 Apr 2024
Gérer le stress : 4 solutions - La Boite à Grains

Late nights tossing and turning can affect your peace of mind

Whether you know it or not, you have developed ways to cope with the stress in your life. Unfortunately, many of the coping mechanisms are just as bad for your health as the stress you're trying to combat! For example, overeating, withdrawing socially, drinking alcohol, taking medication or smoking may temporarily reduce the feeling of stress, but can also interfere with your optimal health and prevent you from sleeping well. And the cycle of stress-insomnia-stress may just make things worse.

Still, there are some ways to improve sleep and manage stress that improve mood and overall health naturally. These ways are becoming increasingly popular as people seek to live longer, healthier lives.


1. Do activities that calm the mind and promote a positive attitude

Relaxation exercises can produce a physiological response opposite to that of stress. While watching television or reading a book may seem relaxing, there are also specific relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga and visualization that can help you prepare for the day or promote better sleep when the day is over. Find a relaxation technique that works for you.


2. Get regular physical activity, both indoors and outdoors

Exercise has been shown to improve mood, reduce stress and improve sleep. Choose a routine that you can follow and stick to over the long term; a half-hour walk each day is a good start.


3. Eat fresh, raw foods and a healthy, balanced diet

Diet and supplements are key to reducing the effects of mental and physical stress. If you lead a busy life, it is more than likely that your diet is not optimal. When life is so fast-paced, fast food sometimes takes precedence over fresh food; but you can reverse this trend. By putting healthy snacks in your bag you can cut calories and give your body and brain more of the nutrients they need to function at their best.

Overeating can interfere with sleep, especially if you eat rich, heavy or sugary foods before bed. In the evening, it's best to choose slow-digesting foods like oatmeal. Excess blood sugar and hunger can also interfere with sleep. A low-carb smoothie with PGX® can help you sleep more soundly.


4. Take key herbal and nutrient supplements

Magnesium is relaxing, but now many women are magnesium deficient! Green tea l-theanine calms the mind and body and works well in combination with melatonin and 5-HTP. Natural Factors' Serenity Formula contains ashwagandha, rose hip, ginseng and lavender to help you relax. Serenity Formula is one of the Stress-Relax products, a line of products that promote relaxation and improve sleep with natural herbs and nutrients.


Don't let stress rob you of a good night's sleep. Combat stress with relaxing activities and a healthy, natural diet.

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