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Spirulina and its benefits on the skin (Green vitamins)

by La Boite à Grains 09 Apr 2024 0 Comments
Spiruline et ses bienfaits sur la peau (Les vitamines vertes) - La Boite à Grains

The beauty is not just about external skin care. In fact, inner health plays just as important a role as what we can apply on the surface, because skin renews itself very, very quickly!

Every day, the body sheds 30,000 to 40,000 skin cells. Because of this exfoliation process, the epidermis, the top layer of the skin, is replaced every twenty-seven days by entirely new cells.

This continuous renewal places a high demand on the body. A balanced dietwith key nutrients essential to maintaining healthy skin, facilitates the exfoliation process and eases the strain on the body.

The main and most commonly cited vitamin for skin health is Vitamin C. There is no doubt that vitamin C has an important role to play in maintaining healthy, glowing skin, as it is essential in stimulating the production of collagen, the most abundant form of protein in the body, making up 25-35% of all proteins in the body. This gel-like protein forms tendons and ligaments, cushions between joints, cartilage in the nose and ears, and adds support to the middle layers of the skin. Extensive research has shown the benefits of topical applications and adequate intake of vitamin C through diet or balanced supplementation. Vitamin C helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improve skin texture and firmness. Many of these benefits result from vitamin C's role in collagen synthesis.

Vitamin B3also known as nicotinamide, is a lesser known nutrient that also has positive effects on the skin. It plays many essential roles in the body, such as repairing damaged DNA. Several studies have shown that topical application of nicotinamide can reduce the appearance of age spots, reduce wrinkles and improve skin elasticity.

Vitamin A is another nutrient that has a dramatic effect on the skin. According to Health Canada, many Canadians do not get enough vitamin A in their diet, yet it is very important for new cell growth. Considering that the top layer of the skin is made up of five distinct layers and that we lose 30,000 to 40,000 cells per day, it is obvious that a good supply of vitamin A is essential. This vitamin is commonly used in acne treatment products and is one of the leading solutions for stimulating collagen synthesis in the skin, contributing to strong connective tissue and, therefore, healthy skin with increased volume. Since vitamin A is fat-soluble, you should speak to a health care practitioner to ensure that your body is absorbing the right amount, whether through food, natural products or topical applications.

The spirulinaSpirulina, a blue-green algae, is a super star often offered in tablet form or as an ingredient in green powder supplements. As a natural health product, spirulina (Spirulina plantensis) is rich in protein, vitamins and antioxidants and is highly nutritious. NASA has considered using it as a key food source during long-term space travel. It has unparalleled nutritional value. As for the skin, studies show that supplementing with spirulina reduces inflammation after UV exposure and helps maintain long-term skin health, while providing a healthy glow.

There are so many options for skin care. Consider talking to a health care practitioner about the solutions that are right for you.

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