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The hangover

by La Boite à Grains 09 Apr 2024
La gueule de bois - La Boite à Grains

The ten tips to avoid a hangover or to reduce the symptoms of a hangover

  • Before a big party, eat foods rich in fat. The fat in food slows the absorption of alcohol and protects the tissues of the digestive tract from inflammation caused by the acids that are produced when alcohol is digested.
  • Try to drink as slowly as possible throughout the party; limit yourself to one alcoholic drink per hour.
  • Keep a glass of water nearby to quench your thirst. Have water, juice or a non-alcoholic drink between each alcoholic drink.
  • Take breaks to eat something, including carbohydrates and sugar.
  • Avoid eating foods that are too salty.
  • Avoid mixing different types of alcoholic beverages; it's best to stick to one type of drink throughout the party.
  • Choose white wine over red, white spirits (vodka, juniper, white rum, etc.) over colored ones (cognac, whiskey, amber or dark rum, etc.). White liquors and white wines have fewer toxic chemicals formed during the fermentation process. As a result, they are a bit gentler on the body.
  • Avoid sparkling alcoholic beverages and cocktails that contain soda or pop. The small bubbles accelerate the effects of the alcohol.
  • Avoid spending several hours at a time in a smoky, noisy place with flashing or flickering lights.
  • Quality versus quantity. Due to a higher volume of toxins, it is proven that the economy version of most alcohols gives a harder time than the premium version.

Four other things to try if you feel like it

There is some scientific evidence to suggest interventions that may help the body speed up the process of digesting alcohol or to temper sudden increases in blood alcohol levels.

  • Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum). This herb may speed up the elimination of alcohol. Milk thistle contains silymarin, a substance that stimulates the liver and helps it regenerate when it is under toxic stress. However, no clinical trials have been conducted in this regard. It would be advisable to take 10 ml on an empty stomach, thirty minutes before eating.
  • Vitamin C. This vitamin may also accelerate the elimination of alcohol, according to the results of preliminary trials 6,7. 6,7 It is generally recommended to take 1 g (1000 mg) of vitamin C before drinking alcohol.
  • Honey. There is some evidence that honey, when taken with alcohol, may also speed up the elimination of alcohol from the bloodstream and reduce peak blood alcohol levels. In a clinical trial 8 in Nigeria involving about 50 young men, the consumption of honey with alcohol was found to speed up the elimination of alcohol by about 30% and to reduce the peak blood alcohol level at the time of alcohol intoxication by the same amount. In general, the symptoms of a hangover were reduced by 5%. But to achieve this effect during a drunken evening, a person weighing 60 kg should take about 75 ml of honey, or 5 tablespoons. Such an amount would also have the effect of raising blood triglyceride levels and blood pressure.
  • Vitamin B6. Pyridoxine is known for its anti-nausea properties. A placebo-controlled clinical trial was conducted in 17 adults attending a party with alcohol consumption. The results indicated that 1200 mg of vitamin B6 (400 mg at the beginning of the party, 400 mg three hours later and 400 mg after the festivities, or a placebo each time) reduced hangover symptoms by about 50%. The experiment was repeated a second time with the same participants, reversing the groups (those who had taken the vitamin the first time took the placebo, and vice versa): the results were the same. It is possible that other antinauseants, such as ginger (psn), or plants traditionally prescribed for intestinal disorders, such as German chamomile and peppermint, may also be useful, if only to reduce the intensity of symptoms at the time of the pain.

Too late for advice, what to do now


  • Lots of water, even if you don't feel like it.
  • Juice, but avoid very acidic juices, such as orange juice. Try mint, ginger or chamomile tea.
  • Tomato or mixed vegetable juice. They contain minerals that will do you good.
  • Pickle juice and aspirin. Take 1 or 2 sips of pickle juice. It is known to contain essential salts and minerals that are destroyed by alcohol. Russians and Poles have been using this remedy for hundreds of years.


  • Take salty broth, not too fatty (beef, chicken, vegetables), even if you are not hungry. Make an effort to take it, at least a little at a time, as often as possible.
  • A few crackers or a little toast.
  • Honey or maple syrup; spread it on your crackers, put it in your tea or swallow it with a spoon.
  • Bananas and honey. Both rich in potassium, bananas and honey make a delicious breakfast shake that helps replenish essential vitamins and minerals. Plus, the milk hydrates and calms the stomach.
  • A poached egg, a very easily digested food, whenever you feel up to it.
  • Take
  • Ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®, or a generic), to relieve your headache.
  • Sleep
  • Dim the lights and avoid noise.
  • Rest and sleep while you can; you'll be working tomorrow when your liver has finished digesting the alcohol.


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