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The Perfect Formula for Stress Relief

by Marie Couture ND 25 Apr 2024
La Formule Parfaite pour Soulager le Stress - La Boite à Grains

Discover a health supplement by playing a charade.My first is an essential mineral for the nervous system. My second is a non-essential amino acid of the active ingredients of green tea. It acts on the brain as a relaxant, without being sedative. My third is a neurotransmitter with calming and tranquilizing properties that is found in abundance in the brain. My all is a delicious drink to relieve the harmful effects of stress.

Magnesium Relaxation by Sisu: a formula to relieve the harmful effects of stress

Sisu's Magnesium Relaxation formula Magnesium Relaxation Formula is a powdered supplement available in a variety of delicious flavours (Raspberry Lemonade, Honey Grapefruit and Cherry Pie). It is a combination of magnesium bysglycinate, GABA and L-theanine. This formula has been shown in clinical studies to safely relieve the harmful effects of stress, such as anxiety, agitation and insomnia.

Magnesium : an essential mineral for the nervous system

Several magnesium supplements are now available on the natural products market.

  • Why take a magnesium supplement?
  • What is the best choice?

Magnesium is undoubtedly one of the most essential minerals for our health. It is believed to be involved in over 300 biochemical reactions that help maintain our homeostasis.

It is interesting to note that the human body has a total of about 20 to 28 g of magnesium distributed as follows: 60-65% in the bones, about 27% in the muscles, 6-7% in the other cells of the body and less than 1% in the extracellular liquids, i.e. the various liquids located between the cells of the body.

Apart from all this knowledge, a magnesium deficiency is considered one of the most common nutrient deficiencies.

Magnesium thieves or absorption inhibitors:

  • The elimination of magnesium is increased under stress
  • A diet rich in refined products is devoid of this mineral
  • The diuretic effect of caffeine depletes important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, etc.
  • Small intestinal disorders (Crohn's disease, celiac disease, etc.) prevent or alter the absorption of minerals
  • Medication may prevent the absorption of minerals in general.

In addition... Nutrient depletion of our soils by unsustainable large-scale farming practices that use nitrogen-based fertilizers and target crop yields in quantity rather than quality is another big issue. These practices deplete the soil's reserves of trace elements.

Our health is on our plate. Another fundamental reason that can cause this lack of magnesium in our daily lives. Have these changes in the last fifty years changed the nutrient content of our food? For example, today's carrots, grown in modern, intensive agriculture, no longer have the same nutritional value as they once did. As a result, our food is becoming less and less rich in essential nutrients, including magnesium, and the consequences are becoming increasingly obvious.

Symptoms of a magnesium deficiency

Symptoms of a magnesium deficiency can appear and manifest themselves by weakness and muscle cramps, fatigue, anxiety, poor memory, loss of appetite, nausea, etc.

Magnesium contributes to your health in many ways:

  • It relaxes muscles, including heart and skeletal muscles
  • it is a cofactor of enzymes necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, etc.
  • It participates in the synthesis of calcium, hence the importance of adding it to help prevent and treat osteoporosis.
  • It can also cross the blood-brain barrier, so it helps support the activity of calming neurotransmitters that promote good sleep.

Sisu Magnesium Relaxation: its source?

In this formulaThe magnesium used in this formula is a source called "bisglycinate" which can be taken in high dosage without the risk of adverse effects such as diarrhea. Moreover, this form is very bioavailable and does not depend on the acidity level of the stomach to be well assimilated.

Benefits of L-Theanine

Did you know that L-Theanine comes mainly from green tea leaves although it is present in white and black tea but in smaller quantities. L-Theanine and its benefits were discovered in 1949 by the Japanese Sakato.

Several studies report a decrease in acute stress and anxiety when taking L-Theanine. This anti-stress effect follows an inhibition of the sympathetic nervous system.

It has been demonstrated that the mode of action of L-Theanine increases the alpha waves which give this physiological state of relaxation.

GABA to promote relaxation

My third is a neurotransmitter with calming and tranquilizing properties that is found in abundance in the brain.

GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) is the most common neurotransmitter in the brain. It is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that tends to slow down the transmission of nerve impulses. It is therefore essential to promote relaxation.

Sleep disorders, such as insomnia, are a consequence of a deficiency in the secretion of certain neurotransmitters, such as seratonin or GABA. Moreover, the vitamin B6 "Pyridoxine" is a cofactor in the synthesis of GABA, hence the importance of adding foods rich in this vitamin.

Food sources: turkey, beef liver, Atlantic salmon, etc.

Important fact about GABA

It was discovered in the 1950's by biologist J. Awapara and his collaborators E. Roberts and S. Frankel, that GABA comes from a transformation by an enzyme called GABA. Frankel, that GABA comes from a transformation by an enzyme called "glutamic acid decarboxylation" which converts l-glutamate (amino acid) into y-aminobutyrate (GABA).

There is no dietary source of GABA, however, it is possible to find dietary sources of l-glutamate (amino acid) to increase GABA reserves.


Vegetable food sources: fruits (citrus fruits, bananas, apricots, apples), oil seeds (almonds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, etc.), whole grains (oats, brown rice, wheat bran, etc.), legumes (lentils, white beans, soybeans, etc.).

Animal sources: turkey, beef, veal, etc.

However, if the conversion by the enzyme does not take place, the neurotransmitter glutamate, an excitatory, will increase the nerve impulses in the neuron. This will give a result contrary to the relaxation sought.

Magnesium Sisu Relaxation: In conclusion

The Magnesium Relaxation formula formula can temporarily relieve some of the negative effects of stress that could lead to harmful consequences on the immune system. This formula is safe, non-sedating and non-addictive.

Each scoop contains 250 mg of elemental magnesium in highly bioavailable bisglycinate and citrate forms, as well as GABA and L-Theanine. Magnesium Relaxation contains non-GMO ingredients and is suitable for vegans.

Since stress is a normal reaction of the brain to a threat and is sometimes unavoidable, modulating these more demanding times with a natural supplement is a desirable solution with no side effects.

After the special year that just ended, we welcome 2021 with great hope!!! Always for the better!

About the author

Marie Couture, Certified Naturopath

Specialized in:

  • Digestive disorders
  • Inflammation
  • Hormonal problems
  • Stress management


Cole Bruce W. Mighty Magnesium, Ed. Karen Gasbarino-Knutt, 2014

Dionne Jean-Yves, S.O.S. Strong bones at any age!ed. Woley, 2008

Fortier Jean-Martin, Gardener-Gardener: manual for small-scale farmingÉcosociété, 2015,exc%C3%A8s%2C%20la%20pyridoxine

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