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11 Natural Remedies for Healthy Holidays

by Marie Couture ND 25 Apr 2024
11 Remèdes Naturels pour des Fêtes en Santé - La Boite à Grains

The Covid-19 pandemic, the different waves, phases of confinement or return to normalcy, reminded us that it is part of our emotional balance to have human contact. As the holiday season approaches, taking care of our health is more important than ever. Building a "herd immunity": the bacterial flora that surrounds us without our knowledge and protects us.

Of course, we must be realistic about our own health. This lifestyle that we cultivate day after day. Where do we stand? Having a varied diet, with a recuperative sleep, doing enough physical activity to solicit every part of our body, breathing deeply pure air to renew and purify our lungs, drinking water abundantly to cleanse all our emunctories, maintaining a good hydration throughout our system, taking care of our emotional health through laughter, etc. This is what our overall health requires to thrive normally.

But now, this year, we will be celebrating Christmas together with our families. It might be a good time to start taking care of our immune system now.3, 4, 13

11 natural remedies for a healthy holiday season: B vitamins

First, review your lifestyle habits if necessary, and consider basic supplementation to support small needs that the diet fails to meet. Let's start with the B complex complex: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, B12, or simply a multivitamins and minerals in which we find the B complex. All the B vitamins are necessary to maintain a good immune system and a good state of the nervous system, etc..3, 5

11 natural remedies for a healthy holiday season: vitamin D

Vitamin D or the sunshine vitamin is an important nutrient for regulating immune system activity. According to a study, the addition of vitamin D at 1200 IU to school children during the winter months had a positive effect as it resulted in a reduction of more than 40% in type A flu (Influenza) symptoms and symptoms such as asthma in children with a history of it.

In order of priority, the vitamin D is particularly important to Canadians because of its clear deficiency during the winter months.5

11 Natural Remedies for a Healthy Holiday Seasonprobiotics

Data on probiotics have literally exploded in recent years in favor of probiotics and healthy gut hygiene. They can effectively reduce the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections and even decrease the use of antibiotics. They would interact with intestinal immune cells by stimulating the production of secretory IgA which would neutralize viruses and bacteria in the intestine and would have an impact on the functioning of immune cells throughout the body..4, 5

11 remedies for a healthy holiday season healthy holiday season: vitamin C

Vitamin C or Ester-C formula is a unique form that is less acidifying since this vitamin C is buffered with calcium. When we are tired or stressed, our acidity level is higher. With this formula, we support the immune system without acidifying it. Vitamin C is a must for the prevention of flu symptoms and during the passage of viruses. If symptoms occur, it is important to increase the dosage.7

11 remedies for a healthy holiday season healthy: zinc

The zinc is an important mineral for the immune system. Thus, it helps regulate the immune system by maintaining the production of white blood cells.

Good sources of zinc in the diet include: beef, chicken, lamb, pumpkin seeds, squash, asparagus and mushrooms.12

11 remedies for a healthy holiday season healthy holiday season: digestive enzymes

When we think of the holiday season, we undeniably think of overeating and/or drinking, staying up late, fatigue, stress, etc. Here are the productsMacroGest Keto-Paleo and MacroGest Vegetarian from the company Natural Factors. They haveThey help digestion and reduce flatulence caused by high-calorie or high-fat meals.9

11 remedies for a healthy holiday season a homeopathic flu buster

If you are familiar with the homeopathic approach, the Oscillococcinum may be of great help as it can reduce flu symptoms and speed up recovery. It is important to follow the instructions for use, knowing that these products are always taken on an empty stomach and that a dose should be taken as soon as symptoms begin..10

11 remedies for a healthy holiday season herbal tea: Goodbye Cold

Drinking herbal tea evokes warmth, hydration and the power of medicinal plants (refreshing, soothing and invigorating). In the blend Organic Goodbye Cold Herbal Teablend contains peppermint, ginger and eucalyptus. A synergy of beneficial ingredients, used for a long time in the traditional remedies of several cultures. With a pleasant taste, this infusion can alleviate the symptoms of colds and flu..11

11 remedies for a healthy holiday season Astragale mother tincture

Astragale root is an adaptogenic plant and is a deep immune tonic that increases resistance to infections. It helps prevent colds and flus, upper respiratory tract infections, etc. It is compared toastragalus to ginseng. It improves states accompanied by fatigue and weakness. It increases resistance and endurance, it increases vital energy. In mother tincturedrops are added to a little water.6

11 remedies for a healthy holiday season healthy holiday season: A. Vogel Throat Spray Vogel

This is one of my favourites. The throat spray A. Vogel A fresh organic herbal tincture that is antibacterial. This spray quickly relieves pain and inflammation in the throat. It is an effective treatment for pharyngitis, tonsillitis, hoarseness, etc. For quick results, it is important to start at the first symptoms and follow the dosage i.e. 2 sprays 6 to 10 times a day.8

11 remedies for a healthy holiday season essential oil of Ravintsara

Main therapeutic indications ofessential oil of Ravintsara Influenza, colds, catarrhs, colds, otitis, sinusitis, nervous asthenia, physical fatigue, difficulty in sleeping, etc.

4-5 drops on each inner side of the arms 6 to 8 times a day for 5 days, on the solar plexus, on the adrenals, under the feet, etc..1

Knowing your body better allows you to support it when necessary and gives you confidence in your ability to heal yourself.

About the author

Marie Couture, Certified Naturopath

Specialized in:

  • Digestive disorders
  • Inflammation
  • Hormonal problems
  • Stress management

References :

  1. Baudoux Dominique, AromatherapyDunod, 2017, 534 pages
  1. Le réveillon de Noel, autrement, Vitalité Québec, Valérie Cens
  1. Stress and the immune system, Vitalité Québec, Marita Schauch, B.Sc.
  1. Covid-19: A disease of lifestyle, Vitalité Québec, Anne-Isabelle Dionne, MD
  1. Immune support, preventing colds and flu, Fleurir, Heidi Fritz MA, ND
  1. Astragale Immune Resistance Tincture, Clef des Champs, Compendium 2018
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