Lynn Goneau, Naturopath

À propos de Lynn Goneau, Naturopath

Lynn Goneau, naturopath (ND) graduate of the École de Naturopathie du Québec and member of the Groupe RITMA association, has joined the La Boite à Grains de Gréber team in 2016. She also hosts "Alimentez votre bien-être" (formerly "Le Garde-Manger Santé") with Frédéric Bisson on L'Outaouais Maintenant on 104.7FM Mondays at 3:25 pm. Don't hesitate to ask him for advice on your next visit!

Discussions with Lynn Goneau, Naturopath (ND)

Why consult me?

I can help you reduce symptoms related to inflammation, digestion, stress, & anxiety, skin problems, chronic pain and much more. Naturopathy is for all ages and genders. I can quickly identify the challenges you may be experiencing and suggest concrete tools adapted to your reality and personality. We go at your own pace, one step at a time, with no pressure or judgment.

  • Digestive health

    • Reflux
    • Irritable bowel syndrome, chronic inflammatory bowel disease
    • Constipation, diarrhea
    • Gas, bloating
    • Food sensitivities
    • Imbalance of intestinal flora
  • Hormonal health

    • Premenstrual syndrome
    • Peri-menopause, menopause
    • Weight gain
    • Hot flashes
    • Insomnia
  • Stress and fatigue

    • Adrenal insufficiency
    • Emotional upheaval
    • Nutritional deficiency
  • Memory and concentration

    • Anxiety and mood swings
  • Weight management

    • Emotional eating
    • Detoxification
    • Thyroid balance
    • Lifestyle and diet modification
    • Stabilizing blood sugar and insulin levels

To book an appointment

In-person and/or virtual consultation

Titre de sa profession

Certified Naturopath

Affiliations de Lynn Goneau, Naturopath

Member of the RITMA Group Association

Connaissances approfondies de Lynn Goneau, Naturopath

  • Eating disorders and weight
  • Stress and the nervous system
  • Hormones and menopause
  • Sleep disorders
  • Coordonnées de Lynn Goneau, Naturopath

  • Phone numbers: 819-328-0866
  • Email:
  • Retrouver Lynn Goneau, Naturopath en personne à son magasin d'opération

  • Consult Lynn Goneau, Naturopath at La Boite à Grains de Gréber