Four Sigmatic's Defend 10 Mushroom Blend will give you energy every day. Add one or two teaspoons to your smoothie, juice, sports drink or favorite recipe.
Ingredients of Defend 10 Mushrooms Adaptogenic Blend by Four Sigmatic
Per serving: Reishi extract 150 mg, meshima extract 150 mg, rosehip extract, chaga extract 150 mg, cordyceps extract 150 mg, enokitaje extract 150 mg, maitake extract 150 mg, Lion's Mane extract 150 mg, tremella extract 150 mg, agaricus blazei extract 150 mg, shiitake extract 150 mg, shiitake extract
Store in a cool, dry place.
Precautions and warnings
Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have health problems or are taking medication.