Tartinade de Noix de Cajou Ail et Fines Herbes Fauxmagerie Zengarry - La Boite à Grains

Garlic and Fine Herbs Cashew Spread

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SKU: 62811045311

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Discover this cashew, garlic and herb spread from the Fauxmagerie Zengarry. Its soft texture makes it an ideal accompaniment to crackers, sandwiches and pasta.

Fauxmagerie Zengarry, founded in Ontario in 2013, offers cashew fauxmages made with the highest quality ingredients, including fresh raw cashews, Ontario-grown garlic and fresh basil grown on site in a living green wall.

Ingredients of Zengarry's Fauxmagerie Garlic & Herbs Cashew Spread

Raw cashews, water, quinoa probiotic, parsley, nutritional yeast, thyme, tarragon, locally grown garlic, herbs, sea salt.

Raw cashews, water, quinoa probiotic, parsley, nutritional yeast, thyme, tarragon, locally grown garlic, herbs, sea salt.

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