Algues Séchées Kombu Koyo - La Boite à Grains

Dried Kombu Seaweed

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Brand : Koyo
SKU: 6549306276
Subtotal: 8.99$
Algues Séchées Kombu Koyo - La Boite à Grains

Dried Kombu Seaweed

10.99$ 8.99$

Dried Kombu Seaweed

10.99$ 8.99$
Format: 50 g

In Japan, seaweed has long been an essential part of the diet. Their diverse properties, unique flavor, versatility in cooking and high nutritional value are just some of the reasons why they have been cultivated and highly valued for centuries. KOYO Kombu seaweed is used to make a tasty broth (dashi) that is a staple of Japanese cuisine. 

Dried Kombu seaweed.

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