Farine de Noix de Coco Biologique Earth's Choice - La Boite à Grains

Earth's Choice Organic Coconut Flour

Save 1.70$
Brand : Earth's Choice
SKU: 67740350771
Since the flour is made from a single ingredient, coconut, it is naturally free from the main allergens (nuts, wheat, sesame, sunflower, soy, corn, sulfites, mustard, dairy products, eggs, shellfish, etc.). Ideal for gluten-free, grain-free or low-carb diets.
Subtotal: 5.29$
Farine de Noix de Coco Biologique Earth's Choice - La Boite à Grains

Earth's Choice Organic Coconut Flour

6.99$ 5.29$

Earth's Choice Organic Coconut Flour

6.99$ 5.29$
Format: 500 g

Earth's Choice uses a minimum of processing techniques to make its organic coconut flour, limiting itself to low-temperature dehydration and grinding of the dried flesh into flour. 

Since the flour is made from a single ingredient, coconut, it is naturally free from the main allergens (nuts, wheat, sesame, sunflower, soy, corn, sulphites, mustard, dairy products, eggs, shellfish, fish and animal products). What's more, no gluten or peanuts enter the production chain.

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