nutripur fluxobile programme 10 jours - La Boite à Grains


Brand : Nutripur
SKU: 62806660800
Flux-O-Bile works effectively on the liver to eliminate accumulated toxins, while acting rapidly on difficult digestion. Flux-O-Bile contributes to the elimination of bile, improving the proper functioning of the liver, gallbladder and kidneys.
Subtotal: 27.99$
nutripur fluxobile programme 10 jours - La Boite à Grains




Format: 10 ampoules of 10 ml

Flux-O-Bile is a complete 10-day liver program in the form of drinkable ampoules. Its liquid form works effectively on the liver to eliminate accumulated toxins, while acting rapidly on difficult digestion.. Flux-O-Bile contributes to the elimination of bile, improving the proper functioning of the liver, gallbladder and kidneys. This 100% organic cure cleanses the liver and helps restore better digestion by stimulating bile functions.

It should be used for 20 days, four (4) times a year, preferably with the change of seasons. Flux-O-Bile is highly recommended before a weight loss program or before planning a birth.

  • Eliminates harmful toxins.
  • Relieves digestive heaviness.
  • Eliminates bloating and flatulence.
  • Boosts weight-loss results.
  • Brightens the complexion for radiant skin.
  • Increases energy and vitality.
  • Improves general well-being for better enjoyment of life.
  • Better general health for pregnancy.
  • 100% pure.

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