Lécithine de Soya en Granules Moulin Abénakis - La Boite à Grains

Granular Soy Lecithin

Save 1.50$
SKU: 6748685124
Moulin Abénakis soy lecithin granules are a pantry essential. It can be added to your homemade pastry and bakery recipes to add softness and binder.
Subtotal: 13.49$
Lécithine de Soya en Granules Moulin Abénakis - La Boite à Grains

Granular Soy Lecithin

14.99$ 13.49$

Granular Soy Lecithin

14.99$ 13.49$
Format: 300 g

Moulin Abénakis granulated soy lecithin is a pantry essential. It can be added to your homemade pastry and bakery recipes to add softness and binder.

Soy lecithin.

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