HMF Neuro Poudre Genestra Brands - La Boite à Grains

HMF Neuro Powder

Brand : Genestra Brands
SKU: 88319610024
HMF Neuro Poudre provides five proprietary human-source probiotic strains that help support intestinal health in adults. The intestines are critical barriers that allow the absorption of certain compounds and promote the excretion of hazardous substances.
Subtotal: 50.99$
HMF Neuro Poudre Genestra Brands - La Boite à Grains

HMF Neuro Powder


HMF Neuro Powder

Format: 60 g

*** The number of cultures of this product is guaranteed refrigerated. For online orders, we cannot guarantee that the product will be refrigerated from start to finish***.

HMF Neuro Poudre provides five proprietary human-source probiotic strains that help support intestinal health in adults. The intestines are critical barriers that allow the absorption of certain compounds and promote the excretion of harmful substances. Probiotics compete with pathogenic bacteria for colonization of the gastrointestinal tract, and supplementation with large numbers of microorganisms helps maximize the growth of beneficial bacteria.

In addition to reducing bacterial survival by stimulating the production of antimicrobial peptides from host cells, probiotics strengthen the epithelial barrier.

They ensure the integrity of tight junctions, which control permeability, and increase the release of mucin, which forms a gel on the intestinal surface that prevents pathogens from attaching to cells.

Overall, they reduce the circulation of bacteria in the intestines to maintain an optimal state.


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