a. vogel echinaforce junior rhume et grippe 90 comprimés à croquer
a.vogel echinaforce junior rhume et grippe 180 comprimés à croquer - La Boite à Grains

Echinaforce Junior

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Brand : A. Vogel
SKU: 5885413731
Relieves children's cold symptoms. Strengthens their immune system for cold season. Orange tablets. To be taken at the onset of cold symptoms.
Subtotal: 16.99$
a. vogel echinaforce junior rhume et grippe 90 comprimés à croquer

Echinaforce Junior

21.99$ 16.99$

Echinaforce Junior

21.99$ 16.99$
Format: 90 tablets

A.Vogel® Echinaforce® Junior | for children's cold symptoms

Relieves cold symptoms. Strengthens their immune system for cold season. Orange tablets. To be taken at the onset of cold symptoms.

Helps relieve symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections, such as colds. Take at first sign of infection.

Historical overview :

Long before the arrival of the first European settlers, Native Americans used echinacea (sometimes called purple rudbeckia) to treat everything from infections to snakebites. Echinacea was popularized by the eclectic medicine movement in the United States in the last century. Subsequently, in America, its use almost fell into oblivion until the 1980s. In Europe, on the other hand, echinacea found favor in the medical world from the turn of the century, and was the subject of much clinical research. Today, echinacea is the world's best-selling medicinal plant.

Actions and pharmacology :

In vitro studies have shown that Echinacea acts by stimulating macrophage phagocytosis and the production of cytokines such as interleukin-1, interleukin-6 (also known as interferon beta), interleukin-10 and TNF alpha. Polysaccharide and polyacetylene fractions are thought to be responsible. This effect demonstrates echinacea's ability to stimulate the immune system in the event of infection.(1) Put simply, echinacea stimulates the non-specific immune system, increasing its effectiveness in fighting infection.

Chicoric acid and analogues derived from caffeic acid are currently being investigated for their effect on HIV-1 replication.(2)

Echinacea, in particular echinacoside and caffeic acid derivatives, may protect collagen structures against degradation (oxidation) caused by free radicals. This antioxidant effect is also used to relieve inflammation produced by the immune system in its fight against cold viruses.

Scientific studies :

Several clinical studies demonstrate the efficacy of echinacea as an immune stimulant.(3-5) According to the authors of a major meta-analysis (review of articles on clinical studies), echinacea is effective against respiratory infections, particularly if taken at the onset of symptoms.(6)

Echinaforce® has also been the subject of a number of conclusive clinical studies:

A double-blind, placebo-controlled study was carried out in Sweden on regular Echinaforce® tablets. 246 cold sufferers took either 6 tablets a day of regular Echinaforce®, a special preparation 7 times more concentrated, another form of echinacea or a placebo. Echinaforce® and the concentrate were equally effective in reducing cold symptoms, and significantly more effective than either the placebo or the other preparation(7).

Another study, carried out on 119 patients, showed a 60% improvement in cold symptoms with Echinaforce® tablets versus placebo(8).

A recent clinical study (April 2002) on 48 volunteers showed that echinacea significantly increased one of the markers of immune stimulation: properdine(9).

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