Semences Nordiques' organic Rossa di Milano onion is a brightly-colored variety with a good shelf life.
Sow onions from February to April in a tray (30 seeds/foot). Transplant the onions as soon as possible (a light frost will not damage them). Transplant one plant every 4" or 15" between rows.
Harvest onions when the leaves start to droop, and let them dry for at least a week before storing.
Based in the hills of the Outaouais region, Semences Nordiques farm offers certified organic and open-pollinated seeds. Carefully selected, top-quality varieties ensure reliable germination rates and vigorous seedlings.
Catherine, owner of Semences Nordiques, sums up the spirit of her company: "Our farm practices reflect a deep respect for nature. We strive to improve the health of our soils, promote biodiversity and preserve our natural resources".