Tisane Aubépine Bio Clef des Champs - La Boite à Grains

Organic Hawthorn herbal tea

Save 0.50$
Brand : Clef des Champs
SKU: 69702677408
Clef des Champs Hawthorn Cardia herbal tea is made from premium-quality organic leaves and flowers. This infusion contributes to good heart health and is recommended for mild hypertension.
Subtotal: 6.49$
Tisane Aubépine Bio Clef des Champs - La Boite à Grains

Organic Hawthorn herbal tea

6.99$ 6.49$

Organic Hawthorn herbal tea

6.99$ 6.49$
Format: 35 g

Clef des Champs' Aubépine Cardia herbal tea is made from top-quality organic leaves and flowers. This infusion contributes to good heart health and is recommended for mild hypertension.

Organic cut hawthorn flower and leaf - Crataegus laevigata

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