Semences Nordiques' organic Red Russian kale is a hardy plant with tender leaves. The smooth leaves are green with purple grooves, pretty enough to make a bouquet. The plant is very hardy and the leaves become sweet after the first frosts.
Gardening tips for Red Russian organic kale from Semences Nordiques
Kale can be sown directly in the field or transplanted. Space plants 12" apart in the row and 18" between rows. Harvest the lower leaves when they reach a good size.
Semences Nordiques, organic products from the Outaouais region
Based in the hills of the Outaouais region, Semences Nordiques farm offers certified organic and open-pollinated seeds. Carefully selected, top-quality varieties ensure reliable germination rates and vigorous seedlings.
Catherine, owner of Semences Nordiques, sums up the spirit of her company: "Our farm practices reflect a deep respect for nature. We strive to improve the health of our soils, promote biodiversity and preserve our natural resources".