Huile d'Olive Extra Vierge au Piment Biologique Bioitalia - La Boite à Grains

PeperOlio Organic Chilli Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Brand : Bioitalia
SKU: 66147535742
Ideally used raw, Bioitalia's extra virgin olive oil with chilli peppers will enhance the flavour of your dishes. This infused olive oil is made from fresh chillies and exclusively organic ingredients.
Subtotal: 11.99$
Huile d'Olive Extra Vierge au Piment Biologique Bioitalia - La Boite à Grains

PeperOlio Organic Chilli Extra Virgin Olive Oil


PeperOlio Organic Chilli Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Format: 250 ml

Ideally used uncooked, Bioitalia's extra virgin olive oil with chilli will enhance the flavour of your dishes. This infused olive oil is made from fresh chillies and exclusively organic ingredients.

  • Product of Italy
  • Certified organic
Organic extra-virgin olive oil, infusion of fresh organic chillies.

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