tabasco sauce sriracha 256 ml

Sriracha sauce

Brand : Tabasco
SKU: 1121069700
Tabasco's sriracha sauce is a pantry essential for delicately spicing up your dishes. Enjoy a rich, sweet flavor that's the perfect accompaniment to your favorite recipes.
Subtotal: 5.49$
tabasco sauce sriracha 256 ml

Sriracha sauce


Sriracha sauce

Format: 256 ml

Tabasco's sriracha sauce is a pantry essential for delicately spicing up your dishes. Enjoy a rich, sweet flavor that's the perfect accompaniment to your favorite recipes.

  • Non-GMO
  • Gluten-free
  • Kosher

The Tabasco company was founded in 1868 in Louisiana by Edmund McIlhenny. Its know-how has been handed down from generation to generation.

Red jalapeño pepper, water, sugar, salt, garlic, distilled vinegar, xanthan gum, Tabasco® pepper sauce (distilled vinegar, pepper, salt).

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