Stress Decompress Host Defense - La Boite à Grains

Stress Decompress

Brand : Host Defense
SKU: 82207871304
Subtotal: 54.99$
Stress Decompress Host Defense - La Boite à Grains

Stress Decompress


Stress Decompress

Format: 60 capsules

Host Defense Stress Decompress capsules are a blend of mushrooms and herbs.

Host Defense uses cold-dried, activated organic mushroom mycelium and a full range of constituents essential for supporting natural immunity.

The addition of certified organic herbs completes the benefits of the mushrooms.

This formula helps you regain calm and tranquillity.

Medicinal ingredients

  • Reishi mycelium
  • Hedgehog mycelium
  • Skullcap leaves
  • Lemon balm leaf extract
  • Ashwagandha root extract

Non-medicinal ingredients

Freeze-dried brown rice mycelia, pullulan.


Take 2 capsules once a day, with a meal.

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