Ultra B Complex New Roots Herbal - La Boite à Grains
Ultra B Complex New Roots Herbal - La Boite à Grains

Ultra B Complex

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SKU: 62874710893
Ultra B Complex incorporates active B vitamins in coenzyme form, niacin in glow-free active form, and choline with enhanced absorption.
Subtotal: 27.99$
Ultra B Complex New Roots Herbal - La Boite à Grains

Ultra B Complex

30.99$ 27.99$

Ultra B Complex

30.99$ 27.99$
Format: 90 vegetarian capsules
Concentration: 50 mg

Ultra B Complex incorporates coenzymes (active form) of the B vitamins and vitamin C, niacin in an active anti-reddening form, and choline with enhanced absorption. The regular form of niacin may cause flushing or erythema in some individuals.

B-complex vitamins are so called because they are found together as a complex in food. They have complementary actions and work together in the body. B vitamins are responsible for a multitude of physiological functions, including lipid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, as well as the formation of red blood cells, and are a factor in the maintenance of good health.

B-complex deficiencies are widespread. A study at Tufts University suggests that over 39% of people have low levels of vitamin B₁₂. B vitamins are water-soluble, and any excess is immediately eliminated in the urine. Since they're never stored, it's important to get a daily intake.

The results are impressive: a fast-acting B complex that does what B vitamins are supposed to do - actively support the mind, mood, nerves, as well as the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

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