Top 5 des huiles essentielles anti-inflammatoires – La Boite à Grains
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Top 5 essential oils to relieve joint pain

by La Boite à Grains 10 Feb 2025
Le Top 5 des huiles essentielles pour soulager les douleurs articulaires - La Boite à Grains

Pain is defined as "an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience".sagrassociated with, or resembling, that of an actual or potential tissue lesion».Virtually everyone can testify to pain at some point in their lives, but it's not always the case. pain can take acute or chronic forms, becoming disabling for those who suffer.

In fact, almost 2/3 of all medical consultations are pain-related (even if not always related to joint pain).4 What's more, a great deal of research is being carried out everywhere to find solutions to these notorious pains.

The use of synthetic drugs can be an option, since they show a reduction in pain. Since this has its limits and can have side effects, it is common to see people interested in natural solutions compatible with drugs.

In this article, I tell you about the most common causes of osteoarticular pain, the impact of lifestyle and diet on this pain and, above all, I present five essential oils to use to relieve joint pain.

The cause of joint pain

The causes of joint pain are multiple, and can be multifactorial, but almost always include an inflammatory dimension. In fact, following an injury, a wrong move or a fall, for example, the body reacts in a normal way to restore equilibrium.5

Common injuries include cartilage ruptures, sprains and dislocations that occur as a result of physical trauma.5

Inflammation can also occur as a result of repeated movements. Bursitis and tendonitis, for example, are tissue inflammations caused by mechanical fiction.5

The most common causes of inflammation and chronic pain include arthritis, including osteoarthritis, polyarthritis and arthropathy.5

In 2010, an estimated one in six Canadians aged 15 and over was affected by a more or less severe form of arthritis.

Diet and lifestyle

Whatever the causes of inflammation, diet and lifestyle will always play a role, either supporting or slowing down the healing process.

From a dietary perspective, it has been shown that metabolic and digestive health will be linked to silent chronic inflammation, which can be a predisposing or aggravating factor in chronic inflammatory pain.6, 8

In fact, the integrity of the intestine, the quality of the microbiome, omega-3 fatty acids, glyphosate, the consumption of allergenic foods, the presence of processed and hydrogenated oils, the over-consumption of processed industrial products and blood sugar disturbances are just some of the factors to be considered in this case.6, 7, 8 

As our bodies are fundamentally made to move, it's very important to get active for joint health, as well as metabolic and digestive health.

On the other hand, sleep, hydration, stress management and the environment will also have their positive or negative impact, as the case may be, in a global perspective of osteoarticular health.7

Essential oils to relieve joint pain

lavender essential oils

Aromatherapy is an invaluable tool in the context of pain, since oils can have anti-inflammatory, analgesic (pain-relieving), muscle-relaxing, soothing, anti-hematoma (bruise-relieving), antispasmodic (muscle-spasm-relieving) and nerve-calming actions. What's more, the complexity of their molecules often supports the return to normal.

Administration is mainly by the cutaneous route, i.e. application to the skin where relief is required.

To a lesser extent, they could also be used by olfaction, to have an effect on pain perception or simply to relax us, when pain ends up making us irritable.

They can also be used internally to support a specific dynamic. This will not be discussed here, as the cutaneous mode of administration is the simplest, most effective and safest to use without professional supervision.

Before taking the plunge, it's important to remember that essential oils are very powerful, and must be diluted in an oil before being applied to the skin. Between 5% and 50% of essential oil can be used on the skin of the body, depending on the molecules contained in the essential oils used..1

If used on the face, 2% pure essential oil can be used.1 The remainder will be an oil, cream or other type of fat that can transport the essential oil through the skin.

Obviously, if you use a vegetable oil with the same virtues as the one you're looking for, the results are likely to be even more interesting.

In this case, we're thinking mainly of arnica oil, black cumin oil or St John's wort floral oil, all of which are popular for pain and inflammation.

In the absence of this type of oil, you can choose coconut oil or simply olive oil for cooking. While they have no inflammatory virtues, they will prevent the irritation that can occur with pure essential oils.

Some oilessential oils should not be used by pregnant or breast-feeding women, or by children. Pay close attention to the labels at the bottom of each oil.

1) Immortelle or Italian Helichrysum - Helichrysum italicum

  • Immortelle oil is number 1 after a fall, a blow or any other trauma, even the oldest ones
  • Anti-haematoma par excellence, it activates microcirculation to reduce the blood stagnation that causes bruising.1, 2, 3
  • It is also an interesting antispasmodic agent1, 2, 3
  • In addition to healing1, 2, 3
  • A must-have in the family first-aid kit for all impacts2
  • Its high price invites moderation, but its powerful action is worth the expense

***Not recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding women, or for children under 5 years of age.

2) Sweet gale - Gaultheria fragrantissima

wintergreen essential oils

  • Oil of first instance for all osteoarticular pain problems: sprains, arthritis, arthrosis, tendonitis, muscular pain with spasms before or after the physical effect1, 3
  • Its high content of methyl salicylates (a compound similar to aspirin) gives it its exceptional virtues, as well as a blood-thinning effect.1, 3
  • Its analgesic action is major and very rapid1, 3
  • Remarkable anti-inflammatory action1, 3
  • Anti-rheumatic1, 3
  • Antispasmodic, promotes muscle relaxation1
  • Affinity with the spinal column at dorsal and lumbar level
  • It also contains phenol molecules, which are irritating to the skin, so it is very important to dilute it appropriately1
  • Its phenols give it a "warming" effect that can be very pleasant even when diluted

***Avoid if you have an allergy to salicylates.1

*** Contraindicated with blood thinners.1

*** Not recommended for pregnant women

3) Lemon eucalyptus - Eucalyptus citriodora

Lemon eucalyptus essential oil is very anti-inflammatory: all ITES (tendonitis-arthritis-epicondylitis...) will benefit.1, 2, 3

  • Mild antispasmodic1, 2, 3
  • Analgesic (2)(3) but less so than wintergreen1
  • Muscle relaxant1
  • Excellent combination with wintergreen1
  • Affinity with cervical arthritis pain1, 3
  • Calming and nerve-regulating, especially for neck massage1, 3
  • Very mild, does not need to be highly diluted
  • Very few contraindications3 except for early pregnancy1
  • Its scent is reminiscent of mosquito repellent, not always appreciated, but still effective against insect bites.1, 2

***Not recommended for pregnant women under 3 months of age.2

4) Lavender super or lavender grosso - Lavandula burnatii super

lavender super essential oil

  • While all types of lavender have similarities, this hybridization between wild lavender and true lavender is a real challenge. THE lavender for muscles1, 2
  • Remarkably relaxes muscles thanks to its powerful antispasmodic action1, 2, 3
  • Slightly analgesic1, 2, 3
  • Anti-inflammatory1, 3
  • Calming in low doses, can be slightly stimulating in high doses due to a 5% ketone molecule.1, 2, 3
  • Can be used in the physical and mental care of athletes, as it calms without overpowering1, 2
  • Its much lower price than true lavender gives it an advantage to consider.

***Not recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding women or children under 3.

It could be replaced by true lavender, which contains no ketones, but is more expensive.

5) Rosemary camphor - Rosmarinus officinalis L. camphoriferum

rosemary camphor essential oil

  • Essential oil for the neuromuscular axis very interesting for people who experience stress through muscular tension1, 3
  • Significant muscular relaxation, comparable to magnesium in aromatherapy1
  • In low doses, it can be a general tonic1, 3
  • In high doses, it has a calming effect1, 3
  • An excellent complement to lavender super for all muscular conditions.1
  • Its action on the liver and bile is an ally for digestion, even when used topically.1, 3
  • An interesting choice for cramps of all kinds, including menstrual cramps, it promotes menstrual flow without hormonal action.1, 3

***Because of its relatively high ketone content (30%), it is formally contraindicated for pregnant and breast-feeding women and children.1, 3

Essential oil blends 

For cervical osteoarthritis

  • Black cumin oil ... 50 ml
  • Lemon eucalyptus ... 15 ml
  • Wintergreen ... 10 ml 
  • Rosemary camphor ... 15 ml
  • Immortelle ... 2 ml

Mix all oils well in an opaque glass container. Store away from light, heat and oxygen.

Apply to neck 1 to 3 times a day as needed, until skin is saturated.

For sprains and muscle spasms

  • Arnica oil ... 50 ml
  • Wintergreen ... 15 ml
  • Rosemary camphor ... 15 ml
  • Lavender super ... 10 ml
  • Immortelle ... 5 ml

Mix all oils well in an opaque glass container. Store away from light, heat and oxygen.

Apply to the wound 3 to 6 times a day, until the skin is saturated.

For tendonitis - bursitis

  • St. John's wort oil Hypericum perforatum ... 40 ml
  • Lemon Eucalyptus ... 15 ml
  • Immortelle ... 2 ml
  • Wintergreen ... 15 ml

Mix all oils well in an opaque glass container. Store away from light, heat and oxygen.

Apply to the wound 2 to 3 times a day, until the skin is saturated.

Note that the more recent and acute the wound, the more beneficial it is to repeat use. Results should be relatively rapid. The older and more chronic the wound, the further apart applications can be spaced. On the other hand, you must persevere over time.

In conclusion

If pain is disabling and difficult to live with for those who suffer from it, it doesn't have to be seen as inevitable. In fact, there are a number of medical, dietary and even essential oil solutions available to relieve pain and help improve health.

And let's not forget the wonderful manual therapies such as massage therapy, osteopathy, physiotherapy, chiropractic and acupuncture.

We wish you good health!

The team at La Boite à Grains

Marie-France Trudelle, Certified Naturopath






Marie-France Trudelle has been a certified Naturopath since 2018. She works as a health consultant at La Boite à Grains du Plateau. She does private consultations and gives various workshops on naturopathy. Come and ask her your questions in person or book an appointment on her website :


  1. Menga, Nathalie, AromathérapieIESN, 2015
  2. Baudoux, Dominique, Laromatherapy - healing with essential oilsEditions Amyris, 2013, 253 p.
  3. Franchhomme, Pierre, Jollois, Roger, Pénoël, Daniel, L'aromathérapie exactementÉditions Roger Jollois, 2001, 468 pages.
  5. Marieb Elaine N. and Hoehn Katja, Human anatomy and physiology, Fourthème édition, éditions du renouveau pédagogique, 2010, p. 283 to 314
  6. Seignalet, Jean, Lalimentation ou la troisièmedecineÉditions du Rocher, France, 2014, 770 p.
  7. Chaput, Mario, Natural solutions to pain, les éditions Quebecor, Montreal, 2012, 207 pages.
  8. Conference, Dr Alexandra Albert, Rheumatologist, Chronic inflammation in rheumatology and its link to metabolic health; from the gut to the plateheld on June 6, 2023 as part of the congressècongress on metabolic health.

La Boite à Grains

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