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Treating colds and flu with elderberry

by Naturopathes de La Boite à Grains 25 Apr 2024
Soigner le rhume et la grippe avec le sureau - La Boite à Grains

The elderberry of Canada or Sambucus canadensis is well known in the Nordic countries for its many uses in traditional medicine. Native to North America, with a taste somewhere between blackberry and blueberry, elderberry has been used for thousands of years to effectively relieve cold and flu symptoms.

Elderberry: its properties

Scientific research is focusing on the use of the flowers and berries of the black elderberry, the edible elderberry containing many medicinal properties. Among other things, the flowers and berries of elderberry are used for :

AntimicrobialAntimicrobial: Numerous scientific studies have confirmed that elderberry has an antiviral and antibacterial effect. In fact, elderberry increases the immune system and fights the common cold, influenza type A and B as well as certain streptococci. Studies have also reported that people who consume elderberry on a regular basis after contracting a cold or the flu recover more quickly, in four days less, than those who do not consume it. In addition to shortening the recovery time, elderberry soothes the symptoms of fever, headache, nasal congestion and body aches.

MucolyticElderberry regulates mucus secretions and reduces inflammation of the mucous membranes. Decongestant, it clears the oto-rhino-laryngological (ENT) tract to prevent sinusitis, otitis and prevent the recurrence of rhinitis. Elderberry is also used to clear the bronchial tubes and can avoid the use of antibiotics in case of bronchitis. However, it is necessary to act quickly, as soon as the first symptoms appear, and to maintain the treatment for the next 10 days.

Diaphoretic (promotes perspiration): Through this action, elderberry accelerates the healing of a viral or flu-like condition accompanied by fever while supporting this natural immune process. Elderberry therefore soothes the symptoms of fever, without eliminating it.

Antioxidant : The antioxidant power of elderberry is two to three times greater than that of blueberry. Elderberry owes these benefits to polyphenols, powerful antioxidant compounds found in its berries, which are well known to stimulate the immune system. Polyphenols are also known to prevent certain diseases such as cancer, inflammatory, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.


Elderberry: Usage and use

Elderberry is an effective and safe remedy for the whole family. It is often used in infants and young children where the naturally sweet taste of the remedy facilitates intake and compliance. Although the World Health Organization (WHO) does not comment on the safety of elderberry for pregnant and nursing women, some botanical references indicate that elderberry is safe for their health.

To better enjoy the benefits of elderberryTo get the most out of Elderberry's benefits, you must act quickly and continue to take it for several days. As soon as the first symptoms appear, take several repeated doses to support the immune system and increase the body's anti-infectious process. Elderberry can be taken in several forms including :

Syrup : Elderberry syrup is the most popular product on the therapeutic elderberry market. Some manufacturers mix it with other antimicrobial or expectorant plants for a better decongestant effect. Follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer, taking care to obtain a minimum of 4 daily doses.

Mother tincture: As soon as the first symptoms appear, take 15 drops 6 times a day. Thereafter, adjust the dose to 45 drops 4 times a day. To treat pregnant women and babies, be sure to choose a mother tincture preserved in glycerine.

Gargle: Decant 50 g of elderflower in 1 liter of boiling water. Let it simmer for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and continue the infusion until the liquid reaches room temperature. Use the decoction to gargle the mouth and throat 4 to 6 times a day.

Bath: In young children who respond less well to oral remedies, an elderberry bath is recommended. Infuse ¼ cup of elderflowers in 2 liters of water for ten minutes to make an herbal tea. Incorporate this infusion into the infant's bath and allow the baby to soak for a minimum of thirty minutes. Repeat every day.


À La Boite à Grainswe have elderberry products from local agriculture. Come and see us in store, we will be happy to recommend the most appropriate elderberry product for you.


We wish you good health!
Véronique Cousineau; naturopath, NHN

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