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Marie-Josée Richer: "Spreading Prana's values around the world".

by La Boite à Grains 05 Jun 2024
Marie-Josée Richer : "Faire rayonner les valeurs de Prana dans le monde" - La Boite à Grains

With self-sacrifice and authenticity, Prana has made a name for itself in the world of organic snacks and food products. Whether you're a fan of Kilimanjaro blend blend or the more recent Granolovethe Quebec-based company has a lot to offer. Marie-Josée Richer, who founded Prana in 2005 with her partner Alon Farber, tells La Boite à Grains the values that drive the company forward on a daily basis, and presents the new products to be discovered in our stores in 2022.

Interview with Marie-Josée Richer from Prana

What three words best define Prana?

Marie-Josée Richer : Passion, team and (positive!) impact.

In a little more than three words now, what values does Prana stand for?

Marie-Josée Richer : Since the beginning, our goal has been to create and maintain a company that does business differently. To have an impact on people's health: not just that of consumers, but also the health of farmers and, more globally, the health of the planet. Hence organic, fair trade, vegan... the values of sustainability, transparency and fairness. Making a difference through action, and seeing these values radiate out into the world.

Our values recently led us to redesign our product packaging, incorporating the hummingbird. This refers to a more or less well-known native legend. During a forest fire, all the animals are busy running around. As for the hummingbird, it goes back and forth between the fire zone and the lake, to the general incomprehension: "I do what I can, I do my part" explains the hummingbird.

It's a bit like Prana. We know that in today's world, we're a bit like David against Goliath, a drop in the ocean, the currents are strong... but we do our bit and go to bed with a clear conscience every night.

Another aspect is that the hummingbird fetches nectar from the most beautiful flowers in the world. At Prana, we meet with farmers and ask whether they are contributing to sustainable agriculture, whether they are supporting their employees... These are partnerships où equity must prevail.

We see ourselves as a progressive company, adding good to society. Leaving the world a little healthier than we found it.

prana team photo

When the pandemic hit the planet in 2020, many companies had to "reinvent" themselves. Is this the case for Prana?

Marie-Josée Richer : It had already been a few years, since 2018 I'd say, that Prana had entered a phase where we wanted to reinvent ourselves. This involves innovation, while staying the course.  

For us, this means now offering products in the breakfast. We asked ourselves: what ingredients do we have locally to expand our business? We launched Granolove in June 2020, in the middle of a pandemic. We no longer want people to see us as a simple snack company. Our goal is to accompany our community with morning products.

Prana in a few words

  • Founded in 2005 by Marie-Josée Richer and Alon Barber

  • 110 employees

  • A leader in the organic industry in Quebec and Canada

  • Awarded B Corporation certification for positive social and environmental action

Can you tell us more about Granolove?

Marie-Josée Richer : Behind the GranoloveGranolove, there's the desire to offer a great-tasting granola (two flavors are available, Oatmeal Cookie and Maple Spice), with just 8 grams of sugar per serving. The aim is also to offer children a healthy, organic, plant-based, gourmet option.

A few words about our other new products, Granolove on the go and Chia in the fridge?

Marie-Josée Richer : The Granolove on the go and the Chia in the fridge are products we can consume at any time of day, and take with us when we travel. It's the convenience and ease we're looking for... just add water and you're ready to go!

They're in keeping with the essence of PranaThey are in line with the essence of Prana: good, healthy products that are a pleasure to eat, and that are ecological and respectful of the environment.

If we had to talk about a flagship product, would it be Kilimanjaro?

Marie-Josée Richer : The Granolove is surpassing the Kilimanjaro! But yes, the Kilimanjaro blend is an old-timer, with all its wisdom. I've known it too long, I think! But it's still as good as ever, and that's what's so crazy! Simple things, good quality ingredients, well measured out, well made, it's always a success!

Sébastien Angers and Marie-Josée Richer

Sébastien Angers and Marie-Josée Richer collaborate on the production of organic, regenerative pumpkin seeds in Quebec.

Which project is occupying you more than any other at the moment?

Marie-Josée Richer : Being an entrepreneur means having an open mind. We're living in a time when the price of nuts and dried fruit, especially organic produce, is skyrocketing...

That's why we're working on new things, like pumpkin seeds with Gaspesian seaweed. The pumpkin seeds are grown in Sainte-Monique, near our home, using regenerative and organic farming methods. We're 100% local, with seaweed hand-picked in Gaspésie. Never before seen in North America, it's extraordinary and one of the innovations we're proud of: making projects here, on a local scale.

These are the kind of projects that get me excited, going out to meet the people who work the land, who have their own challenges to face with climate change... You have to have gratitude and respect for all these people, and gratitude for what's on your plate.

Thank you very much Marie-Josée Richer for answering our questions!

To find out more about our product range click here.


Introductory photo credit: Journal de Montréal


La Boite à Grains

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