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Vaginal infection

by La Boite à Grains 09 Apr 2024
Infection vaginale - La Boite à Grains

Vaginal infections are very common. However, most women are unaware that they can be prevented and treated with probiotics. Vaginal infections are caused by a proliferation of bad bacteria.

In fact, vaginal infections are caused by a proliferation of bad bacteria, 3 out of 4 women develop a vaginal infection during their lifetimeand 5 to 10% of women have chronic episodes. Normally, bad bacteria in the stomach and vagina are controlled by the immune system and good bacteria. As with the rest of the body, sometimes it doesn't take much for these systems to go haywire. Hormone levels can alter the pH of the vagina, causing bad bacteria to multiply and good bacteria to be lost, leading to infection.

Now there's a natural alternative to over-the-counter treatments. VagiCare is a new probiotic that restores good bacteria and prevents and treats vaginal infections naturally.

Tips and advice: Vaginal infection

Common causes?

One of the most common causes of vaginal infections is antibiotics. Why is this? Because antibiotics kill all bacteria, including the good bacteria that are normally present in the vagina and help keep it healthy. This gives bad bacteria a chance to proliferate and take control. Other life factors can create conditions conducive to the proliferation of bad bacteria, including:

- a diet rich in sugar
- oral contraceptives
- chronic stress
- a weakened immune system
- certain medications
- tight clothing

The role of good bacteria

The good bacteria naturally present in the vagina are called lactobacilli. Women who suffer from a proliferation of bad bacteria can benefit from a lactobacillus supplement to restore the vagina's bacterial balance and prevent infections.


Disadvantages of over-the-counter treatments

The ingredients used in most conventional treatments for vaginal infections can cause a number of side effects. These ingredients mask the symptoms of itching and rustling, making them disappear for a while. However, a few months later, another vaginal infection occurs, and the vicious circle continues. Instead, women need to restore good bacteria, and maintain a healthy pH in the vagina so that bad bacteria don't have the chance to multiply and take control.


Prevention and treatment

Vaginal infections can be prevented and treated naturally, without harmful ingredients. Since it's the most sensitive and delicate part of the body, it's important to have an effective treatment. VagiCare is a probiotic treatment in the form of a 10-day vaginal suppository that prevents and treats infections naturally. The probiotics in VagiCare are lactobacilli, the good bacteria that prevent bad bacteria from proliferating, and help maintain a healthy pH in the vagina. VagiCare prevents symptoms of vaginal infection such as vaginal discharge, odor, burning, dryness and itching. VagiCare is clinically proven, gluten-free and non-GMO.

At last, the natural solution that women will love.



La Boite à Grains

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