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BioSil, a New and Practical Format to Generate Your Collagen

by La Boite à Grains 09 Apr 2024
BioSil, un Nouveau Format Ultra Pratique pour Générer votre Collagène - La Boite à Grains

You know the drops and capsules, here are the BioSil liquid and transparent mini-capsules. A new practical format to accompany you on a daily basis in the good health of your skin, your hair, your nails and much more.

BioSil is an advanced collagen generator, clinically proven, that allows you to see concrete results after a few weeks, whether it is to reduce wrinkles, strengthen hair or increase bone collagen formation.

How does BioSil work?

BioSil is what is called a collagen activator. It stimulates the cells responsible for generating collagen, the fibroblasts. This process is made possible by the combined action of BioSil's ingredients, including choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid (ch-OSA).

This formula has been clinically proven. By its bioavailability, BioSil increases the natural production of collagen, elastin and keratin. The result is strong and healthy skin, hair and nails.

BioSil, quickly visible effects

Clinical studies conducted on the benefits of BioSil have shown the following:

  • After 1 month: Nails grow faster
  • After 2 months: Hair that is fuller, stronger and grows faster
  • After 3 months: Some people report visually brighter and more radiant skin
  • After 3 months: BioSil helps improve mobility and flexibility by supporting healthy cartilage and joints
  • After 4/5 months: BioSil significantly reduces wrinkles and fine lines, and also increases skin elasticity
  • After 4/6 months: we notice stronger nails, much less fragile
  • After 9 months: hair is stronger, thicker and more elastic
  • After 12 months: BioSil increases the production of bone collagen, and in particular increases bone density in the hips

BioSil, ultra convenient liquid capsules

biosil liquid and transparent capsules

New format recently available, the liquid and transparent capsules (on the top left of the picture, with the original BioSil capsules in comparison), allow you to take advantage of the benefits of BioSil in an optimal way. To be taken twice a day, morning and evening, these mini-capsules are convenient and easy to swallow. The formula is vegetarian and safe, certified gluten-free and GMO-free.

Say yes to BioSil: your skin, hair and nails will thank you!

Good health!

The team at La Boite à Grains


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