Sapin baumier : utilisations et bienfaits de la gomme – La Boite à Grains
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Top 5 Benefits of Balsam Fir

by La Boite à Grains 10 Feb 2025
Le Top 5 des Bienfaits du Sapin Baumier - La Boite à Grains

La balsam fir gum has many interesting properties: it contains therapeutic molecules that are antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and expectorant. This makes it an effective remedy for respiratory tract infections, wound infections, pain, fatigue, stress and anxiety.

Fir gum was part of the therapeutic knowledge passed on by native peoples to French settlers during episodes of scurvy, among other things. This remedy was also used against influenza, cuts and burns, and as a sealant for various containers and bark canoes. Balsam fir essential oil expands the uses to which we can put the benefits of this Canadian conifer. We'll look at the benefits and uses of balsam fir gum and essential oil, both internally and externally.

Benefits and uses of balsam fir

The different uses of balsam fir essential oil

  • By mouth: it is recommended to take a few drops in a teaspoon of honey or olive oil several times a day.
  • For cutaneous use, we recommend mixing 3-4 drops of fir essential oil in a teaspoon of vegetable oil, and massage into the chest several times a day. Its antispasmodic effect calms coughs.
  • Inhalation offir essential oil is highly effective against sinusitis and all respiratory ailments, as the active molecules act directly on the site of infection and inflammation. Its mucolytic action (mucus is liquefied) makes coughing more effective.

Balsam fir against respiratory tract infections

The balsam fir gum is ideal for combating flu viruses, lung infections and respiratory disorders such as asthma and emphysema. For coughing and respiratory tract irritation, the Sisters' Special Syrup by Léo Désilets is a choice option. It's made with echinacea, balsam fir gum, black cherry, myrrh and thyme essential oil. This synergy of herbs can stop the discomfort of colds and flu. Fir gum is also available in capsules.

It is also possible to benefit from the antiviral, bactericidal and expectorant virtues of fir by oral, cutaneous or inhalation route of theessential oil. [i]

Balsam fir for pain relief

L'balsam fir essential oil contains ester molecules, bornyl acetate, which have a natural anti-inflammatory effect. It can therefore be used alone or in synergy with other essential oils, in a vegetable oil, lotion or balm to relieve rheumatic and neuralgic pain. It is also effective for cuts, cracks, wounds and burns, reducing pain, preventing infection and accelerating healing.

Balsam fir against fatigue

Fir contains a monoterpene molecule, specifically alpha pinene, which has a tonic effect on the adrenal glands.[ii]. Conifer essential oils have molecules that mimic the cortisol molecule, known as cortisol-mimetics or "cortisol-like". Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands, which is largely responsible for variations in our energy levels over the course of a day. Fatigue, lassitude, demotivation, lack of concentration and even self-confidence, this essential oil can give us the little boost we need on difficult days. It's a good natural solution for occasional fatigue. For more chronic fatigue, ask our naturopaths for advice, as it's important to identify possible causes.

Balsam fir for stress and anxiety management

According to a Japanese study, simply spending time in a forest and breathing in coniferous compounds in the air, such as pinenes or limonenes, can reduce stress levels and improve immunity. [iii]. Breathing in the fresh air, relaxing in the great outdoors and toning up your body by walking in nature as often as possible is ideal, but if you can't do it as often as you'd like, you can diffuse balsam fir essential oil at home or at work to take advantage of the anti-stress and anti-anxiety benefits of molecules naturally present in the forest.

Balsam fir for its anti-cancer effects

Historically, balsam fir has been used to treat cancer. In vitro, essential oil of fir had anticancer effects against solid tumor cell lines. Alpha-humulene was identified as the main cytotoxic active component of fir essential oil.[iv]


Essential oil is not recommended during the first three months of pregnancy.

Potential adverse effects

  • When used internally, balsam fir gum may cause diarrhea. Reduce dose if this occurs.
  • Internal use of fir gum may cause belching.
  • At high doses, fir gum may stimulate the elimination of concretions (kidney or gallstones).
  • Essential oil may exacerbate skin irritation or mucous membrane lesions; dilute it in a vegetable oil or use fir gum instead.

Resin from fir gum is part of our Quebec pharmacopoeia for all the discomforts the cold can bring, and much more besides. Let's think about using this beautiful local resource to treat our ailments, big and small, the natural way.

The team at La Boite à Grains


Research and writing

Laurence Couture-Dubé, ND.A.


[i]  Michel Turbide, L'aromathérapie, Huile essentielles du Québec et du monde, applications thérapeutiques, Collection Santé-Arôme, p. 186

[ii]  Michel Turbide, L'aromathérapie, Huile essentielles du Québec et du monde, applications thérapeutiques, Collection Santé-Arôme, p. 186

[iii]  De Sousa DP, De Almeida Soares Hocayen P, Andrade LN, Andreatini R. A systematic review of the anxiolytic-like effects of essential oils in animal models. Molecules. 2015;20(10):18620-18660. doi:10.3390/molecules201018620

[iv]  Legault, J., Dahl, W., Debiton, E., Pichette, A., and Madelmont, J. C. Antitumor activity of balsam fir oil: production of reactive oxygen species induced by alpha-humulene as possible mechanism of action. Planta Med. 2003;69(5):402-407.


La Boite à Grains

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