La Boite à Grains
05 Jun 2024
As winter approaches, this year more than any other, taking care of your health and acting preventively is essential. To help you enjoy the season's activities with peace of mind and protect yourself effectively, nature provides us with plants with interesting properties. Among them is Echinacea, whose anti-viral and anti-bacterial powers are at the service of your immune system on a daily basis.
This free webinar covers the following topics:
- What risk factors can you take action on, and how?
- Vitamins, minerals, quercetin, echinacea... how do you find your way around?
- Link stress, sleep, diet, anxiety and immunity!
- Solutions at your fingertips
Trainer : Lise Guénette Naturopathic Doctor (ND)
Lise Guénette, Naturopathic Doctor (ND)has been active in the field of alternative medicine for over 40 years. She has taught naturist and vegetarian cooking, given hundreds of conferences, and written numerous articles for newspapers, magazines and specialized websites. Ms. Guénette is also a professor at IESN (Institut d'Enseignement en Science Naturopathique) and a naturopathic trainer for Natural Factors.
Here's the link to the webinar for a catch-up viewing: