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Intermittent fasting, the secrets revealed: Benefits, Risks and Duration

by Marie Couture ND 01 May 2024 2 Comments
Jeûne intermittent, les secrets dévoilés: Bienfaits, Risques et Durée - La Boite à Grains

Posted on 2023/11/22

We know complete fasting as a period when the body absorbs any solid food, except water and it is, according to our expert in the matter at the grain box, undoubtedly the most effective means to disinfrue with accumulated waste and excess fats.1, 3

What is intermittent fasting?

What about intermittent fasting? It is a fast, sometimes in the form ofa diet, that we practice at a daily rate in order to use the calories offered by each meal as much as possible. Thus the risk of accumulation of excess fat is almost zero. Unlike the full fast, the focal point of intermittent fasting is to balance the fasting and nutrition phases to lose weight.

You will tell me it's a little drastic! Weight gain progresses slowly but surely without being aware of it. The news of an overweight on the scale or by the doctor can happen as a shock with all its risk factors such as high diabetes or cholesterol, etc.

Intermittent fasting: the role of hormones

From birth to the age of 20, the body receives our food intake to build new cells. This growth period uses everything we eat to be transformed into muscles, bone and organs instead of storing fat. It is for this reason that the adolescent is rarely obese. This period is managed by a "mistress" hormone called growth hormone. This is at its climax from 0 to 20 years old and then it decreases slowly until the end of our life.

Mistress, because it influences other hormones such as testosterone which allows the taking and maintaining muscle mass.

Everything is linked to this hormone and when it declines symptoms appear such as a drop in libido, a bad sleep, a metabolism that slows down and this can result in weight gain.2

Intermittent fasting is practiced by alternating the phases of fasting and food intake, which promotes the use of body fats as a source of energy. So, while fasting, you put your metabolism in ‘fat burner’ mode and your liver stops producing glucose to storage it (glycogen).2

A typical day of intermittent fasting

An important rule: first, to apply these changes, it must be easy to include in your lifestyle. A touch of flexibility will help to adapt to your constraints and reach success during this period.

The goal of the intermittent fast is to reduce the nutrition period. The nutrition phase is therefore 8 hours and the fasting phase is 16 hours. We understand that there will be two meals a day. For example: the first meal at 11:00 am and the second meal at 7:00 p.m. Another version to your intermittent fast is to add a detoxifying effect. Thus, we will stretch the fast over 24 hours, once or twice a week. For example, from Friday 2 p.m. to Saturday 2 p.m.2, 5

Avoid sugar for RBring your intermittent fasting

Perhaps you already knew it but sugar is the beast to avoid in the period of weight loss because it stores our energy in our fats. Insulin, this hormone which brings sugar to the cell, in permanent circulation (and which hides everywhere in our diet), creates a chronic hormonal disruption which is often accompanied by weight gain. Insulin is produced in reaction to the ingestion of carbohydrates (sugar and starchy foods). If the sugar reserves are already saturated, the excess sugar is then transformed into fat. All forms of carbohydrates (bread, pasta, potatoes, white sugar, fruit, etc.) have an impact on our blood sugar.2, 5

Intermittent fasting makes it possible to produce Thinness hormone

When the sugar level drops in the blood, insulin disappears in favor of another hormone, glucagon which is also produced by the pancreas. Its role is to keep a very low level of blood sugar and continue to feed the brain. Glucagon free you would be in hypoglycemia causing a coma after a few hours without food intake.

We understand that we produce hormones that make us lose weight and hormones that make us fat. Their concentration varies with the frequency and quality of our diet.2

The advantages of the intermittent fast for health

It was observed according to authors of a study published in 2006 that after only two weeks there were improvements concerning problems such as: Insulin resistance, asthma, seasonal allergies, original infectious diseases Viral, bacterial and fungal (viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, recurring bacterial tonsillitis, chronic sinusitis, etc.), autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis), etc.2

The concrete advantages are surprising; You will feel more energetic, more alert, in a better mood, greater mental concentration, etc..2

To set up a new way of feeding, you must be ready to do so. You must have a pantry compatible with your intermittent fast. Your body will get used to the first two weeks. Once your ideal weight has been reached, you can continue it as much time as you wish.

It will be important to eat better during intermittent fasting; It will be enough to reduce sugar in all its, particularly liquid forms. It will also be necessary to forget the starchy foods with each meal and the meals already prepared because they often contain a lot of carbohydrates.2, 4, 5

Food during intermittent fasting

Your diet should contain a portion of vegetables (lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, avocado, zucchini, peas, tomatoes, asparagus, radishes, etc.). Vary your vegetables, the colors, cook with good oils and add herbs and spices. The amount of vegetables is about half of your plate.

A source of protein (white or red meat, fish, seafood, eggs or vegetable proteins (legumes)): about the size of your palm open for women and double for men.1, 2, 3

Drinking water is necessary

Drinking water is necessary for weight loss. It helps to eliminate waste related to the combustion of your fat reserves. The feeling of thirst is a sign of dehydration and should be calmed by constant hydration. It is important to have water at your reach to meet your essential needs which are similar to at least 2 liters per day.1, 2, 3

InFound a physical activity program during the intermitten fast

In theory, doing physical activity increases energy expenditure. If we respect the balance of contributions versus expenses, that is to say that we do not eat more than we spend, there should be weight loss.2

An interesting product of the innovation company can help your fasting

To help you moisturize, I found a product perfectly appropriate to accompany you throughout your intermittent fast: Fasting days mixing intermittent fasting drinks, formulated by Reginald Friesen M.D and the company Innovress Nutrition Solutions. It is low in calories so also compatible with a ketogenic diet, GMO without dairy products, sugar, gluten -free, flavor and artificial colors.

Actually, this drink is perfect for intermittent fasting: it contains 10 grams of amino acids, 13 vitamins and minerals including the electrolytes necessary for a fasting of 18-20 hours. The recommended goal is to maintain energy metabolism, in addition to good blood sugar and good muscle function by the balance of electrolytes present in the formula.4

Intermittent fasting: how to take the Fasting Days product

How to take the product Mix of intermittent fasting drinks : Mix 1-2 measurements (10-20 grams) in 500 ml of water. Little reminder of drinking between 8 to 10 glasses of water per day especially during an intermittent fast.4

Intermittent fasting: other advantages of the Fasting Days product

The product Mix of intermittent fasting drinks help to :

  • energy
  • The balance of glucose metabolism
  • collagen
  • Good bone density
  • Good muscle mass
  • support hunger
  • Daily management of calories

The solution for weight loss is to eat less but eat well!

About the author

Marie Couture, Certified Naturopath

Specialized in:

  • Digestive disorders
  • Inflammation
  • Hormonal problems
  • Stress management

References :

  1. Clement Brian R. Foy Digeronimo Theresa, Living food for opti- male health, Ed. Marcel Broquet, 321 pages
  1. Rives JB, Fasting, ed. Thierry Souccar, 167 pages
  1. Vasey Christopher, Detoxing manual, Editions Jouvence, 184 pages
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24 Apr 2021 Terry

Tres intéressant je l’es fait pour une période vous m’avez donner le goût de m’y remettre mon problème ses que je prends des médicaments le matin vers les 9 hrs est se que je peut remettre pour les 11hrs merci

23 Apr 2021 Paul Monfils

Merci Marie, très intéressant.

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