Choline et Inositol Trophic - La Boite à Grains

Choline and Inositol

Brand : Trophic
SKU: 6996711801
Trophic's Choline & Inositol formula helps maintain overall good health. Working in concert with inositol, choline promotes liver health by enabling the liver to metabolize lipid deposits. Inositol, meanwhile, helps emulsify fats and cholesterol.
Subtotal: 17.99$
Choline et Inositol Trophic - La Boite à Grains

Choline and Inositol


Choline and Inositol

Format: 90 tablets

Choline promotes liver health by enabling the liver to metabolize lipid deposits. It works in concert with inositol to help emulsify fats and cholesterol. Necessary for the synthesis of acetylcholine, which transmits impulses from one nerve to another and plays a crucial role in memory functions. Inositol aids lipid metabolism and reduces blood cholesterol. Nerve tissue contains the highest concentrations of inositol. These high concentrations of inositol in nervous tissue, as well as in vital organs, point to an important regulatory role. High levels are also found in the brain, stomach, kidneys, spleen, liver and heart. However, levels decline with age.

Contains no yeast, wheat, soy, gluten, dairy products, sugar, artificial coloring, preservatives or ingredients of animal origin.

Medicinal ingredients 

Choline bitartrate ........250 mg
Inositol ............................250 mg

Non-medicinal ingredients 

Cellulose, dibasic calcium phosphate dihydrate, magnesium stearate, hyprolose.


Adults, take one tablet daily, or as directed by a health care practitioner.

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