Miel Pur de Fleurs Sauvages en Rayon Miellerie Sempels

Pure Wild Flower Honey on the Shelf

Wildflower comb honey from the Sempels honey house will delight honey lovers. Also known as honey cake or honey bread, it offers a unique flavor. Located in the Pontiac region, Sempels Honey House is a 3rd-generation family business offering superb products from the hive.
SKU: 62894256903

Available in store only

Honeycomb honey from Sempels will delight honey lovers. Also known as honey cake or honey bread, it offers a unique flavor.

Located in the Pontiac region, Sempels Honey House is a 3rd-generation family business offering superb products from the hive.

  • Pure honey
  • Unpasteurized
  • Miellerie familiale du Pontiac
Pure honey.

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