Most of the time, we breathe without really being aware of it. It's often in times of stress, when we're breathing deeply, that we realize that breathing well brings an almost instantaneous increase in well-being.
When you think about it, it's all the more important when you realize that our entire body's blood is oxygenated in our lungs.
Breathing well affects the quality of our blood, which provides our cells with the energy they need to grow and survive. In short, breathing directly affects our physical and mental health..5, 6, 9
The breathing movements of inhalation and exhalation move air through our respiratory system.
A little anatomy... What is breathing?
The main function of the respiratory system is to supply the body with oxygen and, at the same time, to rid it of carbon dioxide. When we breathe in, air enters the nose and passes through the nasal passages, known as the pharynx and larynx. The air then travels down the trachea to the bronchi, small airways that divide into smaller airways called bronchioles.
Finally, the air reaches the alveoli, fragile little sacs in the shape of bunches, and it's at this stage that gas exchanges take place between the air and the blood, i.e. the oxygen that leaves the air to pass into the blood and the carbon dioxide that escapes from the blood to be released into the air. It is expelled into the air through exhalation.
At this point, the blood carries the oxygen to the cells, which use it to burn glucose from ingested food. The result is the production of CO2 and water..5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13
No breath, no energy, no life. We inhale approximately 300 liters of air per hour, and ten times more during physical activity.
Quantity of air required per hour (in liters) :
- Sleeping ... 280
- Lying down ... 400
- Standing position ... 450
- Walking ... 1000
- Etc.
And everything can vary according to the intensity of the physical activity..13, 15
Today, there are many causes of poor breathing. Here are just a few examples:
- Stress
- Sitting for long hours (compressed breathing)
- Lack of physical exercise
- Smoking
- Virus or flu symptoms (cough, stuffy nose)
- Bronchial inflammation due to asthma
- Allergies (pets, pollens, etc.)
- Exposure to irritants (dust, pollution, etc.)6, 12
Breathing is vital for filtering out the bacteria and dust that can enter our bodies. And let's not forget that the lung, a complex organ, is a gateway for certain micro-organisms and viruses..1
Our immune system
Our marvellous immune system is constantly on the alert for any bacteria or viruses that might enter the body. So it's always ready to thwart any invasion. So it's vital to have good immune defenses.1
When signs of a weakened immune system appear... It all starts with an aggressor who has managed to penetrate our body's barriers.1
Let's talk about viruses
Most viruses use simplified genetic material to reproduce (ribonucleic acid or RNA). Thanks to proteins, they penetrate our cells and use them as veritable production factories, enabling them to multiply and cause a whole series of symptoms, which vary greatly depending on the person and the virus..1
What to do when nasal congestion strikes?
The first thing to do is to identify the cause of the congestion. Is it allergic, flu-related or something else? The important thing is to use the right medicine to support the signs associated with the symptoms..14
Nasal congestion is often caused by an abundance of secretions, combined with swelling of the small blood vessels lining the nose. The nasal passages are then narrowed by the large quantity of secretions..14
5 medicinal plants to combat respiratory infections
How do you relieve respiratory tract irritation with abundant mucus and coughing? Here's a "natural pharmacy" to help!
Do you know the product Healthy lungs, bronchi and sinuses from the company Natural Factors? It's a preparation of N-acetyl-cysteine, bromelain and a combination of medicinal plants including marshmallow, mullein, cherry bark, marrube and ivy..11
The power of plants
Our grandmothers used herbal home remedies to help relieve common ailments. There were remedies for flu, joint pain, insomnia, digestion and more.
As naturopaths, explorers and plant lovers, we continue to pass on all this knowledge from our ancestors, because we haven't invented anything. These plants, rich in active ingredients, still have a place in our "natural" home pharmacy, to treat minor problems such as colds or flu, or other imbalances..1, 3, 10
If in doubt, consult a health professional.
N-acetyl-cysteine or NAC
NAC is an amino acid. Cysteine is involved in the synthesis of glutathione, making it an important antioxidant. As such, it can improve immune function by increasing glutathione and modulating inflammation, reducing inflammation and flu-related symptoms.
In preparation Healthy lungs, bronchi and sinuses from Natural Factors, NAC helps liquefy bronchial secretions, also known as "mucolytic action", to facilitate their elimination and improve breathing..7, 11
Bromelain is recognized for its mucolytic effect, i.e., it facilitates the elimination of mucus, which our body produces when we cough or have a runny nose..11
Marshmallow is an emollient (soothing) plant for the respiratory tract, and is of great importance during an immune deficiency. Its mucilages moisten the respiratory mucosa, soothing dryness, irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes, such as sore throats. These same mucilages line the inside of pulmonary alveoli damaged by chronic dry coughs or transient coughs..4
Mullein, also known as "white broth", is renowned for its soothing, anti-inflammatory qualities. It is used to protect against bronchitis, colds and coughs, and to treat pulmonary insufficiency, asthma and other forms of respiratory congestion..4, 8
Cherry bark
Cherry bark is a remedy known to native peoples (Canada) for coughs, bronchitis and colds. It has been reported to relieve acute respiratory tract infections such as tonsillitis, sore throats, etc..10
Marrubus is a plant with a fluidifying, expectorant and antiseptic action. In other words, it's an essential plant for bronchial secretions. In short, it calms coughs and dyspnea (difficulty breathing). This plant can also be used in cases of wet coughs and inflammation of the respiratory tract..4
Ivy is a plant traditionally used as an expectorant in cases of chronic bronchitis and moist asthma, for its warming and mucus-drying properties.
It can also be used in cases of otitis, sinusitis and inflammation of the adenoids or tonsils..4
In conclusion, the product Healthy lungs, bronchi and sinuses from Natural Factors is a combination with decongestant, expectorant and soothing properties for the respiratory tract..11
"Passers-by, love and know plants, for there is one for every ailment. Penetrate their secrets, they will cure your ills and their consistent use will prolong your life." Anonymous; quoted by Jean Palaiseul in Nos grands-mères savaient3
We wish you good health!
The team at La Boite à Grains

References :
- Graci Sam, Crisafi Daniel-J, SuperfoodsChenelière/McGraw-Hill, 1998, 282 pages
- Liesse Véronique, Lefief-Delcourt Alix, L'alimentation ''Spécial immunité''.Leduc Éditions, 2020, 297 pages.
- Schneider Anne, Native medicinal plantsLes éditions de l'Homme, 2020, 265 pages
- Vastel Anne, Chagnon Sylvie, Traditional Chinese Medicine Plants Western MedicineGuy Trédaniel, 2020, 2022, 2023,512 pages