For most people, colds are as inevitable as the taxman, and regularly fall upon them as soon as the days grow shorter and the nights colder. Worse still, complications raise the spectre of antibiotics, with the added bonus of oral candidiasis and subsequent intestinal problems.
Nothing to be done, you say? It's just life, that's all? What if there were a way to avoid or at least mitigate all this? Our bodies don't automatically fall prey to viruses just because winter is knocking on our doors. Quite often, a bad cold or flu and the secretions that accompany it are the body's way of evacuating the "bad stuff" accumulated over the summer months.
At a time when people are returning to natural methods of preventing the common coldscience is gaining a better understanding of the problems inherent in antibiotic therapy, as well as exploring the inner workings of many traditional medicinal remedies. While just as effective as their pharmaceutical equivalents, nature's products often have far fewer side effects.
Antibiotics, while they can play a vital role in more complex cases, are not always useful for treating colds and flu. They only work in the presence of a bacterial infection, such as bronchitis. They are of no help against viral infections; on the contrary, if administered anyway, they can be harmful. As antibiotics destroy both good and bad bacteria, patients become prone to oral infections and intestinal problems.
Fortunately for those who wish to avoid antibiotic prescriptions as much as possible, there's echinacea!
Echinacea: more than just a plant
Echinacea or "Echinacea purpurea" is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family, native to North America, which offers multiple health benefits. Its colorful flowers, usually purple, are very distinctive and bloom from July to October, making it as much a medicinal as an ornamental plant.
Echinacea: its benefits
Known to Native Americans, echinacea was mainly used to treat respiratory tract infections and snake bites. Today, thanks to extensive research, we know that echinacea is a powerful ally in the treatment of respiratory and urinary tract infections, as well as in the prevention of colds.
One of the many benefits of echinacea for viral infections is that it encourages the immune system to attack any intruder, rather than a specific virus, so retaining its effectiveness in the event of virus mutation. One of the problems with flu vaccination is that it targets a specific virus, often the previous year's model, leaving the patient at the mercy of the latest viruses.
Unlike antibiotics, Echinacea has no undesirable side effects, such as the extermination of bacterial flora. In fact, thanks to its antifungal properties, echinacea eliminates undesirable micro-organisms such as the fungi that cause candidiasis, while promoting the growth of good bacteria and intestinal flora.
Echinacea helps to:
- Prevent and treat viral and bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract, such as colds, flu, sore throats and tonsillitis.
- Reduce the duration and severity of cold, flu and sore throat symptoms.
- Treat and reduce recurrent urinary tract yeast infections (Candida)
Long-term efficacy diminishes due to tolerance. It is therefore advisable to take a week's rest between treatments. What's more, if we stimulate the immune system over and over again without it encountering any adversaries, it will naturally adjust downwards, and therefore react less effectively when we really need it.
Echinacea: contraindications
Despite its benefits, echinacea may be contraindicated in certain cases and for certain people.
- Do not take if you are allergic to the Asteraceae/Compositae (daisy) family.
- Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you have an autoimmune disease or are taking immunosuppressants, or if you suffer from a progressive systemic disease such as tuberculosis, leukemia, collagen disease, multiple sclerosis, AIDS or HIV infection, or if you have rheumatoid arthritis.
Echinacea and A. Vogel
In the form of fresh herb extract, A.Vogel Echinaforce is used for the prevention and treatment of colds, influenza-like infections and similar infections of the upper respiratory tract. A.Vogel Echinaforce acts by boosting the effectiveness of the immune systemThis makes the body more capable of identifying and destroying invaders such as bacteria and viruses. Used as a preventive treatment, it prevents the development of infections; it can also fight infections already present.

Echinaforce Extra
Like Echinaforce, A. Vogel Echinaforce Extra helps treat cold symptoms, reduces healing time and relieves symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections, such as the common cold. Echinaforce Extra is extra-strength and comes in tablet form.
Echinaforce Junior
For all types of infection, Echinaforce Junior by A.Vogel eis just the thing. Like other Echinacea purpurea-based products, Echinaforce Junior has a proven immunomodulatory effect, helping to combat viral as well as bacterial infections. It is also anti-inflammatory and antifungal. Research clearly shows that Echinacea helps children eliminate cold and flu symptoms more quickly, while reducing the risk of relapse. While it's impossible to avoid infections altogether, taking echinacea as a preventive measure will at least help to space them out.
Echinaforce Sore Throat Spray
Fast-acting helps, Echinaforce Sore Throat Spray A. Vogel helps soothe inflammation and painful throat infections such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, hoarseness and irritation.
Echinaforce Hot Drink
Warmth is comforting when we experience symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), such as colds and flu. That's why A. Vogel offers Echinaforce Hot Drink with Elderberry as an alternative to the classic Echinaforce tincture.
Echinacea lozenges
Visit Echinacea Pastilles A. Vogel combine honey, fresh organic echinacea extract and peppermint essential oil to soothe the throat.
Combining echinacea and bearberry, Cystoforce A. Vogel is a traditional herbal remedy used to relieve urinary tract irritation thanks to its astringent and diuretic properties.
Echinacea's allies
For the common cold, nettle remains the all-time champion. Herbal tea or nettle tincture A. Vogel frees tissues from acid waste, reducing the quantity of impurities to be eliminated by other means. Nettle leaves, once processed for infusion, are also a source of iron, vitamin C, calcium and many other minerals.
An excellent blood tonic, ginger warms and purifies tissues, and has anti-inflammatory properties. Because it stimulates circulation, it helps you stay warm and encourages you to stretch your legs. Locking yourself in and cranking up the central heating is an almost infallible way of creating a nice little nest where germs can proliferate... the better to infect you. So if you've got a cold, make yourself a ginger-based herbal tea, or pour boiling water over grated fresh ginger and add a dash of lemon juice and a dash of honey.
Vitamin C
Your cold prevention arsenal should also include regular doses of vitamin C to stimulate white blood cell production and neutralize tissue-damaging free radicals. The body can't absorb large doses of vitamin C all at once, so take a small dose several times a day to maximize the benefits, especially if you live or work in a polluted environment.
Vitamin D3
Nicknamed the sunshine vitamin Vegan vitamin D3 A. Vogel supports normal immune system function, the development and maintenance of bones and teeth, and the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus. Helps prevent vitamin D deficiency.
Fir extract and oil
Fresh bud extract and essential oil of wild fir (Picea abies) are ideal for relieving coughs and symptoms associated with catarrh (mucus secretion) of the respiratory tract. A.Vogel Santasapina combines the two in a syrup for dry, irritating coughs, while Santasapina A. Vogel sweets soothe sore and dry throats.
It's quite simple: facilitate your body's natural detoxification processes with echinacea all year round, and you'll undoubtedly make substantial savings in the tissue department!
We wish you good health!
The team at La Boite à Grains