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Better Gut Health with Probiotics

by Marie Couture ND 25 Apr 2024 2 Comments
Une Meilleure Santé Intestinale grâce aux Probiotiques - La Boite à Grains

We all live with our own microbiome, and for most of us, the modern lifestyle, including chronic stress, too much sugar in the diet, taking antibiotics, etc., leads to a real imbalance in the diversity of of our intestinal flora. These upheavals open the door to infections and viruses. The watchword is to protect our immunity. Fortunately, there are steps we can take to restore the health of our bacterial ecology.

We have a Canadian company, Genuine Health, that has been in business for 25 years and has a corporate mission to make science-based natural supplements. Gut Health is one of their major concerns and for this reason, they have concocted multi-strain probiotic formulas, derived from human strains and third party verified and carefully selected for their diversity. We are interested here in the Probiotic Defense Advanced Gut Healthwhich our team was able to test for 30 days to better understand its action and benefits.

Better intestinal health thanks to probiotics: 75% of our immune system lives in our intestines

Our intestine is populated with billions of good bacteria. "bacteria" that protect us in many ways. These bacteria "friends" prevent the implantation of powerful microbes and form a protective barrier that prevents unwanted organisms from entering our bloodstream. They complete the digestion of food, ensure a good capacity of assimilation of nutrients, including vitamins of the B complex, minerals, and are essential to maintain a strong immune system.

Our body, inside and outside, has about one hundred thousand billion bacteria that are essential to our life and that do not cause diseases or dysfunctions under normal conditions, and are essential to maintain our good health.

The term "probiotic"pro, a Latin element meaning "in favor of"and therefore, promoter of life, for a balance of good bacteria. Probiotic supplements are products containing adequate doses of bacteria that are instigators of gut health benefits.

Better gut health with probiotics: parlons from the source of the strains

A probiotic can be made from a human source, i.e., cultivated from the intestines of humans, which is originally derived from indigenous probiotics selected from healthy people. These strains are then put in vitro to produce probiotics of human origin. They can come from the colostrum source contained in mother's milk, or from an animal or dairy source, obtained by making yogurt and cheese, or from a vegetable source found in fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut or kimchi, or sourdough bread, or even via a source coming from the earth which is a little rarer.

The science of probiotics owes a lot to these fermented foods called "functional foods". Each civilization has its own source of probiotics in its culinary traditions. This so-called functional food supports good health and longevity, digestive and immune. The opposite, i.e. a decrease in these products in the diet, has led to a depletion of enzymes and nutrients which has also had a noticeable impact over time on intestinal health.

The digestive system begins in the mouth where our food begins its long journey of transformation to carry nutrients throughout our body. It is through this long digestive process that the precious defenses to our immune balance are developed. These good bacteria ensure resistance to potential intruders.

Better intestinal health thanks to probiotics: the role of prebiotics

Prebiotics play an essential role in the proliferation and maintenance of probiotics in our digestive system.

The types of prebiotics are :

  • inulin
  • fruto-oligosaccharides (FOS)
  • galacto-oligosaccharides
  • in breast milk.

Prebiotics are found in the fibers of whole foods (fruits and vegetables, oilseeds), fermented foods, in our daily diet such as whole grains, legumes, artichokes, Jerusalem artichokes, dandelions, bitter chicory, garlic, leeks, onions and asparagus, etc.

Probiotic Defense Advanced Gut Health: specially formulated for immune health

This formula is specially formulated with 15 balanced strains chosen for immune and digestive health. It includes strains clinically proven to reduce acute infections and improve immune function:

The strains used

  • Rhamnosus GG
  • Plantarum HEAL9
  • Paracasei 8700:2
  • Guaranteed 50 billion live bacteria

Did you know that the intestinal bacterial flora is composed of characters such as the bacteria called «Lactobacillus» for the small intestine, and «Bifidobacterium» for the large intestine (the colon), which act as valiant 'bodyguards'?

Did you also know that we have a resident flora ex: Lactobacillus salivarus, the one that is intrinsic to our flora and a passing flora ex: Lactobacillus casei, the one that is fed by a supplementation?

The functions of the different strains

  1. RhamnosusRhamnosus is part of the Lactobacillus genus of probiotic bacteria. These bacteria adhere to and colonize your intestinal walls. They are specially adapted to survive acidic and basic conditions in your body. These active bacteria are protectors against any transient viruses or autoimmune diseases. It is one of the most studied probiotic strains on the market today and has been presented in over 200 clinical trials.
  2. Plantarum is also part of the Lactobacillus probiotics. Plantarum greatly influences the brain-gut axis, the one involved during stress. It would have the capacity to counterbalance high levels of cortisol and inflammation. In addition, it is clinically proven to help improve immune function and reduce the incidence of colds.
  3. Paracasei is a subspecies of L. Casei. Its primary sites of colonization are the intestine, the mouth including dental plaque and the human vagina. Strains of L. paracasei are widely used as a probiotic supplement to support various digestive diseases, chronic infectious diseases, depressive disorders, obesity. It modulates the function of the immune system.

Probiotic Defense Advanced intestinal health : a superior formula

It is a multi-strain formulaIt is a multi-strain formula, derived from human strains and third party verified and carefully selected for diversity.

  • According to a highly controlled process:This process includes a temperature and humidity controlled environment. The strains are cleaned three times to remove toxins and weak cells in order to provide an allergen-free, stable and pure probiotic blend.
  • Targeted Delivery of healthier, more robust strains: Single capsules carry up to 10x more probiotic strains to the gut.
  • Presented in blister pack: An advantage for longer shelf life. Room temperature resistance and label declaration are guaranteed upon expiration.

Probiotic Defense Advanced Gut Health: our 30-day test

As with other products or activities, the secret is in the routine: changes or benefits are not necessarily felt overnight. Taking a probiotic every day is the best way to develop a healthy gut microbiome.

For the Genuine Health Advanced Gut Health Defense probioticthis trend holds true. After 10 days, our testers didn't notice any significant changes, but after 30 days, the benefits are clearly identified. The main one being a better sleep, more restful, which follows on other good points noted: a better mood, less stress and more energy to use. All this can obviously vary according to the person.

Our digestive system is at the heart of our body's proper functioning. Relieving it by providing it with good bacteria, in a word "pampering" it, has beneficial effects on our general good health.

About the author

Marie Couture, Certified Naturopath

Specialized in:

  • Digestive disorders
  • Inflammation
  • Hormonal problems
  • Stress management


Watson Brenda, N.D, C.T. Renew your Life, Improved Digestion and DetoxificationRenew Life Press and information services, 2002

Watson Brenda, N.D. and Smith Leonard, M.D. Gut Solutions, Renew Life Press and information services, 2003

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04 Feb 2021 La Boite à Grains

Bonjour Jacqueline, le probiotique en question est le Probiotique Défense Santé intestinale évoluée de la compagnie Genuine Health.

31 Jan 2021 Jacqueline

bonjour. Oui mais comment s’appelle ce probiotique?

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