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Intestines: 100 billion good bacteria

by La Boite à Grains 09 Apr 2024 0 comments
Intestins : 100 milliards de bonnes bactéries - La Boite à Grains

Inside each of us, there are around a thousand billion bacteria.most of which live in the intestine. That's 10 times the number of cells in our bodies! Research shows that good bacteria play a key role in the digestive system, improving gastrointestinal function and immunity, helping to regulate hormonal balance, protecting us against food-borne illnesses such as food poisoning, controlling the proliferation of bad bacteria and fungi, protecting us against the development of allergies, and promoting vitamin production and nutrient absorption. Probiotics are like an army in your intestine, working hard to protect your health.

We all naturally have a balance of "good" and "bad" bacteria in our intestines.. Generally speaking, the good bacteria far outweigh the bacteria that can cause problems. There are many health and lifestyle factors that can create a state of imbalance called dysbiosis:

  • Overuse of broad-spectrum antibiotics
  • Use of steroids, anti-inflammatories, antacids and oral contraceptives
  • A diet rich in refined carbohydrates
  • Aging
  • Stress

The good news is that taking a powerful probiotic every day can ensure that your gut stays balanced and your health stays on track. Not all probiotics are created equal. Recent research has revealed that different strains of bacteria are unique in their effects on the body and their place of work in the digestive tract. Some offer a natural defense against pathogens, while others can help reduce inflammation. There are two main known strains of bacteria: lactobacilli for the small intestine and bifidobacteria for the colon. It's important to choose a probiotic formula containing multiple strains, with plenty of lactobacilli for the small intestine and bifidobacteria for the colon.

Probiotiques Flore Suprême Ultra Puissance provides 100 billion beneficial bacteria for the intestines. It contains 10 strains with a potency of 50 billion lactobacilli and 50 billion bifidobacteria (quantities rarely seen in formulas due to high costs). While 100 billion bacteria per capsule may seem like a lot, remember that there are 100 trillion bacteria in the body. Flore Suprême Ultra Puissance is ideal for people with chronic digestive problems, who tend to get sick, or those who use or have used antibiotics, to help replenish intestinal flora. The capsules are enteric-coated to ensure safe delivery beyond the hostile environment of the stomach. So you can take them anytime, and they'll get where they need to go.

When it comes to probiotics, potency is only part of the equation. You won't necessarily get the same results from taking two 50-billion-capsule probiotics unless the formula is identical. Everyone has their own unique combination of bacteria. That's why one probiotic might work very well for you and not so well for your friend. That's why it's so important to take a product with multiple strains. Flore Suprême Ultra Puissance offers the highest potency authorized in Canada in a protected capsule and an award-winning formula. It's the obvious choice for those seeking the ultimate in probiotic potency.


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