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Vega energy bars

by La Boite à Grains 09 Apr 2024
Barres énergétiques Vega - La Boite à Grains

Whether you've skipped the breakfastWhether you've skipped breakfast, have a mid-afternoon craving, or need complete nourishment before your workout, the new Vega energy bars are a delicious, healthy and practical solution for every situation.

We support you throughout your day: The new Vega bars

Have you ever felt overwhelmed or lost in the nutrition bar aisle at your local health food store? With so many types, brands and flavors to choose from, it can be hard to make the right decision. But with our busy schedules, family and work, we often need to simplify our lives with an easy-to-munch bar when we don't have time to breakfastor as a snack between meals or during or after training. Choose a new Vega bar to meet all your nutritional needs, whatever the time of day.

Make the right decision in the bar aisle

Bars are everywhere! And for good reason. With our 24/7 lifestyles, a bar in your desk drawer or the bottom of your purse can be your lifeline before your energy levels plummet. When choosing a nutrition bar, you should have certain criteria in mind. First, you should know the circumstances in which you'll need your bar: Do you need a meal replacement? A quick snack? Before, during or after training? Then look at the list of ingredients. Your bar should contain plant-based proteins (including whole nuts and seeds) and sugars that are minimally processed. Try to avoid bars that contain unpronounceable or artificial ingredients. Check whether the bar contains dairy products, gluten or soy, especially if you have intolerances or allergies. Finally, make sure it contains protein and fiber in the Nutrition Facts table to help maintain your blood sugar balance.

Vega bars support you throughout the day, sometimes even with chocolate. Here are some tips to help you choose the right Vega bar for your time of day:

To replace breakfast…

You've woken up with the intention of breakfast... But you had to check your e-mail and an urgent problem to deal with overtook your quiet morning. Instead of having another coffee to get you through the workday, why not have a Vega meal replacement bar? With the new recipe, you can enjoy your bar with peace of mind knowing you're getting your nutritional basics... dipped in delicious chocolate: 12 grams of complete protein, 4 grams of fiber, 1 gram of omega-3, green foods, probiotics, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Take a meal replacement bar in one of the new flavours: chocolate, cherry and almond; chocolate and peanut butter; and chocolate and mint.

When you need a snack on the go...

The all-new Vega snack bar is a guilt-free snack that will keep you going until your next meal. Available in dark chocolate, mixed nuts and sea salt; chocolate and peanut butter; dark chocolate, cashew and cherry; cranberry and almond; and cashew and coconut. Vega snack bars are packed with superfoods. Manage your mid-day craving by keeping these strategic snacks in your desk drawer or bag.

Reach the finish line...

Whether you're gearing up for a long bike ride, a demanding hike, or an active day, use Vega Sport energy bar to help you perform at your best. A new Vega Sport bar recipe that's even softer, more delicious and easier to eat during training. A combination of minimally refined sugars, almonds and coconut oil gives your muscles the fast, long-lasting, whole-food energy they need to perform at their best. Try one of the delicious new flavours: chocolate, coconut & almond or apple & cherry.

Give your muscles the post-workout protein they need (and deserve)...

Whether you're a weekend warrior or just starting out, post-training protein bars are for all types of athletes. Our new recipe contains 15 grams of whole plant protein from multiple sources, 2.5 grams of AACR and 2 grams of glutamine from high-quality whole foods. If you're already a fan of our protein bar, don't worry: everyone's favorite Chocolate Coconut flavor is still available, in addition to new Chocolate Peanut Butter and Chocolate Mint flavors.

All Vega bars are non-GMO, gluten-free, with no artificial flavours, colors or sweeteners. Each bar contains unrefined sugars such as dates, organic tapioca syrup, organic whole brown rice syrup and organic raw agave. For more information, visit


La Boite à Grains

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