Apples were discovered in the Middle East over 4,000 years ago. In Norse mythology, the belief prevailed that eating these exquisite fruits conferred immortality. In the 1800s, in the United States, a notable historical occurrence related to apples occurred when Johnny Appleseed, whose real name was John Chapman, planted apple trees. This initiative provided food and sustenance for several generations of settlers. Apples are characterized by their crisp, white flesh and red, yellow or green skin. Belonging to the rose family, they range in flavor from sweet to tart, and in texture from crunchy to tender, depending on the variety.

Nutritional highlights of apples

Apples are cholesterol- and sodium-free, making them a favorable food choice for heart health and a balanced weight. Eating this type of food can help preserve heart health and weight. Eating an apple before a meal can also provide a feeling of satiety and support weight loss. In addition, apples are rich in fiber, which promotes digestive regularity, and they contain an appreciable source of potassium, an element that helps maintain balanced blood pressure.

Choosing and storing apples

apples. When selecting apples for your meals, think about what they will be used for: are you planning to eat them fresh, add them to a salad or cook them? To help you choose from the many apple varieties available, consult the list below and feel free to experiment with different options. Preferably choose firm apples, free from bruising and brownish marks. To preserve their freshness, store them in the refrigerator or in an unheated area, such as an unheated part of the basement. Note that apples can absorb ambient aromas. If you plan to store them for a long time in a garage, we recommend placing them in a plastic bag, then inserting the bag into a large cooler and resealing it.

Tips for preparing apples

Apples are extremely versatile and easy to prepare. Before using them, be sure to wash them with soap and water. This will prevent any contaminants on the skin from finding their way into future apple dishes. Remove any damaged or soft parts of the apple. When adding them to a salad or eating them as they are, you can dip them in a solution of one part citrus juice to three parts water. This reduces browning. Use apples to make compote, pies, crisps and muffins. They also lend themselves beautifully to soups, chutneys, pastries and fresh snacks.

Apple varieties

  • Ambrosia
    In 1990, a discovery was made in British Columbia in the form of a whole tree. This apple variety is medium to large in size, and red in color with pinkish undertones. The fruit is characterized by its sweetness, crunchiness, juiciness and delicate fragrance. Ambrosia apples are suitable for making compote or for eating directly as a fresh snack.
  • Cortland
    Obtained from a cross between the McIntosh and Ben Davis varieties, Cortland apples have a bright red color with a slightly yellow cheek. Their flavor is sweet, with a subtle hint of acidity. The flesh of these apples is brilliantly white, and they are renowned for their juiciness. Cortland apples are perfect for enjoying as a fresh snack, for incorporating into salads, making compotes and pies, and for complementing fruit assortments or cheese platters, as they have the advantage of not browning quickly.
  • Empire
    Empire apples are dark red with yellow or green highlights. Their flesh is creamy, white and juicy, making them ideal for cider production. The result of a cross between the McIntosh and Red Delicious varieties, Empire apples are a perfect choice for snacks, desserts and salads. Feel free to experiment with Empire apples when preparing your next apple pie.
  • Fuji
    Fuji apples are a cross between the Red Delicious and Ralls Janet varieties. Medium-sized, they offer crisp, juicy flesh with a slight sweet note. Their skin is a mixture of yellowish-green and orange-red. Compared to most other apple varieties, Fuji apples have a slightly longer shelf life. They are ideal for making applesauce, enhancing cheese platters or enjoying fresh. Fuji apples are certainly worth a visit to the fruit and vegetable market.
  • Golden Delicious
    Golden Delicious apples are yellow to greenish-yellow in color, with five small protuberances at the base. Introduced in 1900, they are particularly prized for their mild, sweet flavor and delicate skin. This variety is quite sensitive to bruising and is an excellent choice for incorporation into fruit salads, use in the preparation of chutneys or simply eaten fresh as a snack.
  • Granny Smith
    The Granny Smith apple was discovered in Australia in 1868. A widespread belief suggests that these precious green fruits, both crisp and tart, are the heirs of the French apple tree. Granny Smith apples, with their herbaceous green hue flecked with white, have firm flesh and are more resistant to bruising than other varieties. Their flavor is both tart and crisp. Granny Smith apples excel when eaten fresh, sliced in salads, baked or even sautéed.
  • McIntosh
    The McIntosh apple is an ancestral variety dating back to 1870 and originating in Eastern Canada. This apple is still prized and appreciated across the country. McIntosh apples are deeply red on a green background. Their delicate skin and brilliant white flesh are firm and excessively juicy. With their mild flavor and delicate aroma, McIntosh apples are ideal for eating fresh, as well as for sauces and purées.
  • Paula Red
    Paula Red apples reach maturity during the summer season and rank among the best early-season options. Varying in size from small to medium, they boast a sweet flavor with a subtle hint of tartness. These apples are perfect for making compotes, extracting apple juice and baking apple pies.
  • Red Delicious
    Red Delicious apples have a deep red hue and five protuberances at their base. Renowned for their juiciness and sweetness, they occupy a pre-eminent place in the world of apple cultivation. Introduced to the market in 1874, these heart-shaped apples reveal a sweet, juicy flavor. Red Delicious stands out for its excellence as a snack. A multitude of studies have been devoted to antioxidants, and the Red Delicious variety is particularly appreciated for its antioxidant properties, surpassing those of other types of apple.
  • Royal Gala
    The result of a cross between the Golden Delicious and Cox's Orange Pippin varieties, Royal Gala apples have a reddish-orange hue and crunchy, dense, intensely flavored flesh. Compared to other types of apples, Royal Gala apples have a longer shelf life. They are an excellent choice for salads, pies and apple crisps, or for slicing and adding to green salads.
  • Spartan
    Spartan apples have dark red skin. These rich, dark-red apples were discovered in 1936 and are the result of a cross between the McIntosh and Newton varieties. Their flesh is pure white and firmer than that of McIntosh apples. Their pronounced aroma and delicious flavor make them ideal for eating fresh as a snack. They can be used in chutneys and soups, and are also an excellent choice for apple pie.
  • Pink Lady
    If you're not familiar with the name "Washington Pink", you may recognize it by its adopted name, "Pink Lady". Fresh to the market and not grown in Canada, this charming pink apple was created in Australia in 1985. Washington Pink apples, or better known as "Pink Ladies", have flesh with a delicate, crisp, crunchy texture. They are distinguished by their ability to resist browning once sliced, and by their attractive appearance.

Why choose organic apples?

To avoid pesticides, we recommend eating organic apples, as they are not chemically treated and contain no pesticide residues. Non-organic apples receive the most pesticide treatments per year, with an average of 35.1 treatments. Apples are extremely vulnerable to various diseases and pests. As a result, the production of certified organic apples presents considerable challenges. The main distinction between conventional and organic production lies in the latter's ban on synthetic pesticides. In other words, organic growers are obliged to use only synthetic pesticides. pesticides whose active ingredients are of natural rather than synthetic origin. In the case of apples, this includes elements such as clay, sulfur and B.T. Products authorized for use in organic farming have a reduced environmental and health footprint, as their residues remain active for much shorter periods.

Recipes with Apples

*Pour le moment, La Boite à Grains ne vend pas de fruits et légumes en ligne. Ceux-ci sont uniquement disponibles en magasin