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The top 5 benefits of multivitamins (2024)

by La Boite à Grains 10 Jun 2024
Le top 5 des bienfaits des multivitamines (2024)

"We need thirteen vitamins, and it's important that all thirteen vitamins are at the table!!!! None of them will betray you, as long as they're present enough in your body." Jean-Marie Magnien

A few examples with vitamin B1 and vitamin B6.

Vitamin B1 plays an important role in converting animal and vegetable fats and sugars (bread, pasta, potatoes, etc.) into energy.

Sources: poultry, pork, eggs, apples, oranges, etc..2, 6

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) plays a role in sleep by promoting the conversion of tryptophan into serotonin, which is then transformed into melatonin. This hormone is responsible for our biological rhythm of day and night, and helps us to fall asleep and get a good night's sleep..2

All B-complex vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, B12) need magnesium to perform their functions. Magnesium deficiency reduces energy production.6

Multivitamins and energy

Each human cell contains an average of 1,500 mitochondria, which are involved in a number of essential functions, the main one being ATP (adenoside triphosphate, or energy production). That's why we call them the "energy powerhouses of our cells". Their primary mission is to transform the carbohydrates and fatty acids in our food, as well as the oxygen we breathe, into energy.

The role of mitochondria

For this process to take place, all vitamins, minerals and other nutrients (antioxidants) must be present for the mitochondria to produce ATP (energy). And that's every day, all the time, awake or asleep..4, 10

It's from the Krebs cycle (discovered in 1937 by German biochemist Hans Adolf Krebs) that ATP is produced. This great chemical wheel is a chain of eight reactions essential to the organism, which runs endlessly to produce this ATP (energy). During the Krebs cycle, several coenzymes are required for proper functioning, including vitamins B1, B2 and B3, magnesium and lipoic acid (antioxidant)..10, 11

Multivitamins and immune health

Our enemies are viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and so on. They are also foreign bodies that intrude, such as thorns, sand, a bit of earth in a wound, a blood transfusion, an organ transplant... Or the trauma of a wound, a blow, a burn, a chemical, toxic or dietary aggressor (poison, venom, heavy metals, etc.). Finally, there are the macromolecules of food and/or bacterial origin that end up in the bloodstream after passing through the small intestine.5, 6

Immunity begins with an army of white blood cells, specialized cells that constantly patrol the bloodstream, the lymphatic system and all body tissues (brain, intestines, joints, etc.)..5, 6

Innate immunity

Also known as "non-specific immunity", innate immunity intervenes immediately, in a matter of seconds, minutes or days. It has no memory, i.e. it is capable of producing a response without ever having been in contact with the aggressor before.

Acquired immunity

This is called specific or adaptive immunity, because it enables the aggressor to be identified and its identity transmitted to other immune cells. It therefore has a memory. Unlike innate immunity, its response is not immediate. It takes effect in the hours or even days following an aggression..5, 6

Vitamins A, B, D, C, E, selenium and magnesium act on both innate and acquired immunity..5, 6

Multivitamins and brain health

The brain is our most precious organ, for without its full functioning, we humans merely exist, unable to relate to the world around us. You may have experienced a situation where someone was physically present, but psychologically absent. You got a blank stare. Language was either confused or meaningless.

Brain function relies on billions of nerve cells, and internal communication between them enables thoughts, opinions, memories and so on. The brain is the seat of intelligence and the control center of the entire body. It coordinates movement, touch, smell, taste, hearing and sight, etc.2, 6, 9

Blood-brain barrier

The brain is isolated from the rest of the body by the blood-brain barrier. This barrier is highly selective. It separates the central nervous system (CNS) from the bloodstream. Its mechanism tightly controls exchanges between the blood and the cerebral compartment. Maintaining its integrity and function is therefore essential for us..12

  • Given its size, our brain is the site of high levels of oxidative activity, creating a large number of free radicals.
  • Along with nervous tissue, it contains low levels of antioxidants.
  • Our nervous system is made up of billions of cells, which when damaged become dysfunctional for life.
  • Our brain and nervous system are easily disrupted, and slight damage to a specific area can cause serious problems.6, 9

Valuable tools for our brain

Vitamins B9, B6, B12: udeficiency of these three vitamins leads to the accumulation in the brain of a toxic molecule, homocysteine. This molecule is normally recycled into methionine, an amino acid that helps the brain function properly..6, 9

Vitamin B9 for the elderly

A very important vitamin for the elderly. It has been discovered that they are often deficient. 30% of senile dementias are linked to a deficiency of this vitamin.

It is also important for pregnant women and their babies' future..6

Multivitamins and stress

Good stress is necessary for personal growth. There is such a thing as positive stress, and it's the challenges that help us to evolve and give the best of ourselves. Some examples of good stress are physical activity, travel, a new love affair, having a child and helping him or her grow into a fulfilled adult, etc.. 2, 6, 13, 14

Perception of our stress

The body doesn't see the difference between good stress and bad stress. The only thing that distinguishes the two is our perception of the experience, which will influence our final state of mind. Optimists, for example, are more likely to stay on top of their problems.

In the scheme of things, unresolved chronic stress can lead to fatigue and even exhaustion. Today, there are many circumstantial reasons for chronic stress. 2, 6, 13, 14

Stress and physiological reactions

Our body has a perfect way of reacting to stress. It releases excess discomfort by secreting hormones, and Hans Selye, a physician and pioneer of stress studies, defined this reaction as follows the "General Adaptation Syndrome".. 1, 5

The reactions that define stress are divided into 3 phases:

  • Phase 1: State of alert; the body prepares to fight or flight
  • Phase 2: Resistance; the situation persists
  • Phase 3: Exhaustion; situation prolongs and intensifies

Adrenal glands and stress

When under stress, the survival hormone adrenalin sets in motion a series of physiological changes: heart rate increases, breathing quickens, blood pressure rises, digestion largely subsides, metabolism accelerates and the adrenalin-whipped pancreas releases glucagon, which in turn forces the liver to release its glycogen reserves to restore blood sugar levels.

The hypoglycemia-induced brain panic too often causes the body to produce excess adrenalin, which remains permanently present in the blood and leads to side-effects such as sweating, anxiety, tremors, dizziness and so on.

Prolonged periods of stress lead to a chronic rise in the level of cortisol (stress hormone) produced by the adrenal glands. Research now links cortisol to bone loss, chronic fatigue, exhaustion, fat accumulation, infertility and memory loss. What's more, the workload on the adrenals increases during menopause, as these glands are one of the main sources of sex hormones, including estrogen.. 2, 6, 13, 14

Vitamin C

The adrenal glands have a high concentration of vitamin C, which is essential for the synthesis of stress hormones. What's more, this vitamin is essential for several chemical reactions in the body.

  • It ensures collagen synthesis for our skin, joints, lungs, etc.
  • It is a powerful antioxidant against free radicals.
  • Essential for supporting a strong immune system

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a role in cortisol metabolism and activity. At first glance, cortisol helps the body adapt to stress, but over time, this same high stress and cortisol can lead to adrenal fatigue.2, 6, 13, 14

Multivitamins and bone health

Bone mass progresses from the beginning to the end of life. It is estimated that the adult skeleton is replaced three times over. However, in post-menopausal women, bone demineralization accelerates with the fall in hormones, including estrogen.

By the age of 20, we have built up our bone capital, which remains stable until the age of 30, after which it very slowly diminishes.

The more calcium we enrich our bones with, the better the menopause will be, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

Bone is built by specialized cells called osteoblasts, which weave protein wefts onto which calcium is deposited and fixed. Collagen makes up 90% of this weave. Collagen production depends on the presence of enzymes, vitamins and minerals..3, 6, 7


Bones need a diet rich in calcium.

This same calcium gives bone its strength and helps it maintain its balance in the rebuilding process.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption. Vitamin D does not bind calcium to bone, but facilitates its passage from the small intestine into the bloodstream. Its role as a calcium carrier is essential.


Magnesium is involved in reactions that ensure bone mineral densification.


Other elements are essential for collagen production: vitamin C and zinc..3, 6, 7

Living Alchemy multivitamins

Quotidien Hommes + and Quotidien Femmes + by Living Alchemy - La Boite à Grains

Daily Women + and Daily Men + from Living Alchemy are more than just classic multivitamins. They're part of a revolutionary range of products containing the power of activated, full-spectrum nutrients derived from whole, fermented foods.

The advantage of using fermentation is that it increases tenfold the absorption of vitamins and minerals present in the foods, plants and mushrooms in the formula.

These innovative formulas are designed to meet a variety of essential needs. These nutrients become powerful because they are highly absorbable..15, 16 

High levels of antioxidants

When we breathe, oxygen is used as fuel to produce chemical energy in the form of a very important molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). As this fuel is metabolized, it creates quantities of "waste" known as "free radicals". Free radicals are highly unstable molecules, as they possess a "single" electron which triggers destructive chain reactions that damage the cell..1

An antioxidant molecule transforms free radicals into harmless products, reducing their harmful effects on cellular health.

The power of fermentation

The potential benefits of vitamins, minerals, plants, vegetables and mushrooms activated by fermentation

  • Complete bioavailability
  • Essential enzymes1

Complementary herbs to Quotidien Femmes +

Red clover 

It is said to have depurative (blood-cleansing), diuretic, choleretic (stimulates bile production), expectorant and antispasmodic properties.

Red clover is rich in isoflavones and may relieve menopausal symptoms..15, 26 

Raspberry leaf 

Raspberry is an important tonic for the female reproductive system. Good for all ages. It nourishes, strengthens and balances, and its tonic action is cumulative, making it an excellent support plant. It regulates the menstrual cycle, and its astringent action tones mucous membranes and balances heavy periods. It harmonizes premenstrual syndrome. It can also be a companion plant during pregnancy..15, 27 

Acerola cherry 

High in vitamin C, in addition to being a powerful antioxidant, it can support the immune system and nourish the adrenal glands in times of stress..15, 28

Chlorella, kelp and baobab

These superfoods are major sources of these powerful phytochemicals and antioxidants. They pick up the toxic waste that patrols our bodies..4, 15, 16

Complementary plants to Quotidien Hommes +

Siberian ginseng 

This plant is recognized as an "adaptogen" for strengthening the body in times of stress, when physical and mental demands increase. It is a good ally in times of exhaustion and depression..16, 29

Organic Hawthorn 

This plant is used in traditional phytotherapy to help maintain and support cardiovascular health. It should therefore be considered in cases of arrhythmia, hypertension and cardiovascular disease (atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, etc.)..16, 30

Organic saw palmetto 

This plant improves prostate health. It prevents symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement of the prostate), such as the urgent and frequent need to urinate or incomplete urination. It also prevents hair loss by stimulating male hormones, including testosterone. It is said to have an effect on libido, erectile function and ejaculation..16, 31

About the author

Marie Couture, Certified Naturopath

Contact details for Marie Couture: 

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  3. Dionne Jean-Yves, S.O.S. Strong bones at any age!Ed. Wiley, 2007, 132 pages.
  4. Graci Sam, Crisafi Daniel-J N.D, M.H, Ph.D, Superfoods, a harvest of energy that can change your lifeChenelière/McGraw-Hill, 1998, 282 pages.
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  1. Schauch Dre Marita, B. Sc., DN, Collagen Myths and Misconceptions2014, 124 pages
  1. Schneider Anne, Native medicinal plantsLes éditions de l'Homme, 2020, 265 pages
  2. Strand Ray D. M.D. What your doctor doesn't know about nutritional medicine could be fatal to youÉditions du trésor caché, 2004, 274 pages

La Boite à Grains

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