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An authentic, eco-friendly Christmas

by La Boite à Grains 09 Apr 2024 0 comments
Vivre un Noël authentique et écoresponsable - La Boite à Grains

Recycling Christmas: a celebration of nature and the self

How would you like to recycle Christmas into a friendly smiling contest, in complicity with nature and your inner self? Treat yourself to the essentials this year that don't come in a big box: two gift expressions: "letting go" and "living in the moment". Be healthy is also about taking action, moment by moment.

From the winter solstice to the first of the year

From December 21 onwards, the days begin to lengthen to herald the sun's entry into the sign of Capricorn, that old hermit who keeps the hands of time moving; but as it's cold, his fingers are clumsy with arthritis and the celestial mechanism seizes up. So, since present moments can last forever, why not make the most of them? There are 9 days left until January 1st. 9 days that can be put to good use if we know how to be curious and swap the mundane for wonder.

Instant gifts

More time than budget: create unique gift certificates offering free babysitting for your friends, snow shovelling for your elderly neighbors, watering the plants for a relative who's going on a trip, spending the afternoon making a snowman with the young neighbors, just to make friends and have fun in capital letters.

The art of packing

In some cultures, the container is as important as the content; we're not asking you to make origami or Japanese furoshiki, but to be original. Recycle, create and surprise with your packaging ideas.

What really counts

Your real treasure is your imagination and the act of giving to a relative, friend or colleague. But this gesture must be preceded by the act of listening over the preceding months. Listen to the dreams formulated on the sly, the secrets shared.

The bio attitude

Host or guest, don't overindulge. Learn to respect your limits and choices when it comes to food; you can have a successful party with an "organic" logo printed on your mouth instead of lipstick. For a breathtakingly green table, opt for winter vegetables.

The 12 strokes of midnight

Every self-respecting ritual of passage begins with a review and opens with resolutions. It's a time to take stock of the past year and look forward to the new one.

About the author

Written by the boîte à grains team


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