Health First

Health First is a Canadian natural products network that has been in business for over 20 years. Health First offers a range of high-quality natural supplements at affordable prices: digestion, omegas, medicinal plants, immunity, colds and flu, for children, vitamins and minerals, joints and much more!

Canadian network

 Canadian Network

Medicinal Plants

 Medicinal plants

For the whole family For the whole family

100% natural

 100% natural

The best sellers of Health First

What is the Health First network?

At the heart of an expanding initiative is the Health First network, which aims to provide natural health solutions through the different regions of Canada. This network represents an association of independent retailers specializing in natural health and well-being products, committing to improving the quality of life of local residents.

The story of Health First reveals a deep attachment: an attachment to individuals, communities, the environment, as well as the promotion of health and well-being through the use of natural products. Having played a pioneering role in the natural health movement, Health First has contributed to the well-being of Canadian communities for more than two decades.

Who makes Health First products?

To achieve its ambitious goals, Health First recognizes the importance of collaborating with the most famous brands in the field of food and natural supplements in Canada. As a central entity, the Health First network plays an essential role by connecting member retailers, brand partners and various communities across the country. This structure really creates a large Canadian family within Health First. Among the partner brands, we find A. Vogel, Genuine Health, Healthology, Natural Factors, New Roots Herbal, Now, Platinum, Prairie Naturals, Sisu, St-Francis Herb Farm, Vega and much more!

Is Health First a house brand?

Health First is in a way a homemade brand, because they are high quality products at affordable prices. These products are exclusively available in local and independent stores dedicated to health and well-being. Opture for Health First represents a double advantage: promote your well-being thanks to natural solutions without swarming your budget while stimulating the economy of your region.

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