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Certification of organic and GMO-free products

by La Boite à Grains 09 Apr 2024
Certification des produits biologiques et sans OGM - La Boite à Grains

5 Product certification (GMO-free and organic)

More and more, consumers want to know where their food comes from and whether it has been genetically modified. Canadians consistently support the labelling of foods containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs), claiming their right to know where the food comes from and what impact its production has on the environment.

As the debate surrounding genetically modified foods continues, more and more suppliers are voluntarily assuming their responsibilities by offering certified organic products, guaranteeing the production of food without the use of GMOs. This trend continues as a result of consumer demand to know the origin of their food, and increased labelling activism in Canada. The main certification to look for on food in Canada is the Canada Organic logo.

It is a clear indication that the product has been certified organic.. To obtain it, products must undergo a rigorous review process and provide proof that the ingredients used come from certified organic sources and contain no GMOs. When Canadians buy organic products, they are investing in their health and supporting sustainable farming practices that respect the environment and animal welfare.

The other increasingly popular certification is the GMO-free verification seal (Non-GMO Project Verified) seal. This rigorous verification process targets the inclusion of genetically modified ingredients in products, carefully examining the source of every ingredient likely to have been genetically modified in a product.

As the trend towards general health and wellness gains momentum in Canada, consumers are becoming increasingly well-informed about new and innovative ways to optimize their health. This year, they can look forward to exciting innovations and new research demonstrating the health benefits of some of the unique foods available in natural health stores across the country.


La Boite à Grains

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