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Marinated tomato salad with Maras pink salt

Marinated tomato salad with Maras pink salt

Quantités: 6 portions

Temps de cuisson: Aucune

Préparation: 45 minutes

Cette salade est l’accompagnement parfait pour un repas printanier. Avec sa vinaigrette simple et goûteuse ainsi que les fines herbes fraîches, les tomates sont présentées sous leur meilleur jour. Afin d’assurer le succès de cette salade, il faut prendre le temps de dégorger les tomates dans un sel de première qualité tel le sel rose de Maras. Provenant d’une rivière souterraine du Pérou, le sel rose de Maras est riche en minéraux et extrêmement savoureux. Il bonifiera le profil de saveur de tout plat, dont cette salade de tomates marinées fort simple à réaliser.

Marinated tomato salad with Maras pink salt

by Naturopathes de La Boite à Grains 05 Jun 2024


  • 3 cups cherry tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon pink Maras salt d'Inka Nature
  • 2 slices red onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons capers
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • Fresh mint and basil leaves

sea tomato salad pink salt maras inka nature


  1. Rinse and cut cherry tomatoes lengthwise.
  2. Deglaze* the tomatoes: Place cut cherry tomatoes in a colander and cover with Maras pink salt. Place the colander over a large bowl, and leave the tomato water to drain for 30 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, whisk together the ingredients for the vinaigrette, including olive oil, lemon juice and zest, and honey.
  4. Shake the colander containing the cherry tomatoes to help drain the water. Transfer the tomatoes to a salad bowl.
  5. Add sliced red onions, capers and vinaigrette. Add a few mint and basil leaves before tossing coarsely.
  6. Refrigerate for 30 minutes to allow the tomatoes to marinate in the vinaigrette and absorb the flavours.

*Deglazing: Deglazing vegetables removes excess water. This is due to the fact that water seeks to move from a less salty environment to a saltier one, a process known as osmosis. By adding a high-quality salt such as Maras pink salt by Inka Naturethe osmosis process is ensured while adding beneficial minerals to the dish. The result? A tomato salad that's much less juicy and much tastier.

Maceration : 30 minutes

Storage : 2 days in the refrigerator

Enjoy your meal!

About the author

Naturopaths of La Boite à Grains

Team of licensed and certified naturopaths (ND) in Gatineau, Outaouais.

Original article written by Véronique Cousineau, Naturopath


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