7 best uses for Castile soap in 2024 – La Boite à Grains
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7 best uses for Castile soap in 2024

by La Boite à Grains 20 Feb 2025 0 comments
7 meilleures utilisations du savon de Castille en 2024 - La Boite à Grains

The Castile soap liquid soap is the best cleaning option for people looking for an ecological alternative to traditional chemicals. It's one of our favorite products in our natural products store! This plant-based, vegan soap is biodegradable and not tested on animals. What's more, it's often locally sourced, so you can support regional businesses. As a concentrated soap, it can be used for many different types of cleaning.

This natural soap is a fantastic all-purpose cleaner that can be used for everything from floors to pets to baby's hair. Since it can be used for both washing up and showering, it's also ideal for camping or cottage use. Read this article on natural products and camping essentials. For those looking for a more natural cleaning solution, liquid castile soap is the ideal option due to its ecological and versatile qualities.

Here are a few ideas for using liquid Castile soap in a variety of ways.

1. Hand soap: 

To refill your hand soap dispensers, dilute 5 tablespoons (75 mL) of Castile soap in 1 cup (250 mL) of water.

2. Body cleanser: 

Pour a few drops of soap directly onto a washcloth or sponge, or mix one part soap and two parts water in a bottle.

3. Dish soap: 

Pour a squirt of Castile soap directly into the sink - half as much as you'd put of a conventional washing-up liquid. Rinse dishes after washing.

4. Washing fruit and vegetables: 

Dilute 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of Castile soap in 2 cups (500 mL) of water; spray on fruits and vegetables, then rinse with water. For this use, prefer unscented Castile soap.

5. All-purpose cleaner: 

For kitchen counters, dilute ½ cup (125 mL) in 4 cups (1 L) of water. For hard-to-clean surfaces, dilute ¾ cup (188 mL) of soap in the same amount of water. You can also put the solution in a spray bottle. For tiles, bathtubs or toilets, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the surface to be cleaned, then spray the soap solution on top.

6. Floor cleaner: 

Dilute 2 or 3 tablespoons (30 or 45 mL) of soap in a bucket filled with warm water, then mop.

7. Laundry detergent: 

Pour 7 cups (2 L) of boiling water into an old detergent container, add ½ cup (125 mL) soap and 1/3 cup (80 mL) baking soda. You can also add 1/3 cup coarse salt to help clean stubborn stains and revive colors. Use ½ cup to 1 cup (125 to 250 mL) per load, depending on the desired concentration.


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