We live in an age and in a society where "doing" is widely valued to the detriment of "being". And behind this need to perform lies a need for recognition.
Stress is the body's normal reaction to everyday events. In fact, it is a defensive mechanism used by human beings to escape greater suffering. Over time, stress wears on the body, leading to restlessness, fatigue and exhaustion. Today, the cause of chronic stress can be traced back to a number of circumstantial factors.3, 5, 7
Do you know what eustress is?
It's important to know that there's also a useful form of stress, which motivates us to take action to achieve what we want, known as eustress. On the other hand, there's bad stress, which makes us feel as if we're always pushing our limits, and is known as "distress".
However, the body doesn't know the difference between good and bad stress. The only thing that distinguishes the two is our perception of the experience, which affects our final state of mind. For example, optimists tend not to let their problems get them down..3, 5, 7
Our wonderful body has a perfect way of reacting to stress. It releases excess discomfort by secreting hormones, and Hans Selye, a physician who pioneered the study of stress, defined this reaction as follows the "General Adaptation Syndrome"..2
The General Adaptation Syndrome in 3 phases:
- Phase 1: Alert state; the body prepares for fight or flight
- Phase 2: Resistance; the situation persists
- Phase 3: Exhaustion; situation prolongs and intensifies
Adrenal glands and stress
When under stress, the survival hormone adrenalin sets in motion a series of physiological changes: heart rate increases, breathing quickens, blood pressure rises, digestion largely ceases, metabolism accelerates and the adrenalin-whipped pancreas releases glucagon, which in turn forces the liver to release its glycogen reserves to restore blood sugar levels.
The hypoglycemia-induced brain panic too often causes the body to produce excess adrenalin, which remains permanently present in the blood and leads to side-effects such as sweating, anxiety, tremors, dizziness and so on.
Prolonged periods of stress lead to a chronic rise in the level of cortisol (stress hormone) produced by the adrenal glands. Research now links cortisol to bone loss, chronic fatigue, exhaustion, fat accumulation, infertility and memory loss. What's more, the workload on the adrenals increases during menopause, as these glands are one of the main sources of sex hormones, including estrogen..2
Relationship between the gut and the brain
The intestine is an extremely valuable and complex organ, because in addition to its role in digestion, it has a major influence on our overall health. For example, we are now learning that there is a real dialogue between the intestine and the brain.
As you know, when there's a change in routine or stressful moments, there can be obvious signs of stomach ache. The intestine will even contract more, causing spasms and speeding up transit. The part of the autonomic nervous system that controls the digestive system is known as the "enteric nervous system". In this way, our intestine partly determines our mental state and plays a key role in the immune system.
New scientific research has shown that the gut-brain axis is one of our body's strongest links..9
Good bacteria from fermentation
Fermentation is the process of multiplying nutrients through microscopic living activity. It is a predigestion process that transforms bacteria, enzymes and yeasts, while increasing vitamins tenfold and facilitating digestion. It's also an effective method of preservation, and a culinary art that offers a vast palette of unique textures and flavors. The health benefit of fermentation is that it has a direct impact on the immune system and thus on intestinal flora.
The history of fermentation goes back through the history of mankind. Bread, sauerkraut and cheese are just a few of the products that enabled our ancestors to survive through this mode of transformation..1, 6
Living Alchemy
Fermentation starts a life process that the company Living Alchemy transforms and perfects the active ingredients in its Synergie Végétale range.
You'll rediscover the millions of years of a plant's nutrients and active ingredients, and use them as natural medicine.
The potential benefits of fermentation-activated herbs:
- Complete bioavailability
- Increase in key therapeutic nutrients
- Essential enzymes
- Made from a living plant
These are the benefits of the powerful yet gentle formulas in the Synergie Végétale range. They provide bioavailable vitamins and minerals, probiotics, beta glucans (action on the immune system), peptides (proteins), short-chain fatty acids, nucleotides, polyphenols (antioxidants), enzymes and more.
Stress Less from Living Alchemy
Stress Less from Living Alchemy combines several adaptogenic and fermented herbs to effectively calm stress. This herbal compound contains ashwagandha, rhodiola and holy basil. An effective formula for modulating the elevation of cortisol (stress hormone) produced by the adrenal glands.
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a plant that promotes the proper functioning of the nervous system. It soothes and calms. It is recognized as a tonic plant for conditions of exhaustion and hyperactivity. Ashwagandha mimics the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA, which is used to treat anxiety. It is known to stabilize mood. It can relieve minor depressive states. It also has a sedative effect, helping to regulate sleep cycles without causing drowsiness..4
Holy basil
In India, holy basil is considered "the queen of plants" for its purifying and soothing properties for both body and mind. This plant is an adaptogen, helping to boost the body's energy, vitality and resilience in the face of stress. Holy basil is said to prevent elevated corticosterone levels (a marker of high stress).
It is a tonic for the nervous system, making it a calming plant. It alleviates stress-related symptoms such as memory problems, anxiety, exhaustion, headaches and so on. Holy basil can have a digestive effect. As an aperitif and/or digestive, it can reduce spasms, gas, bloating, colic and nausea..4
Rhodiola is a stimulating adaptogen. It acts on cognitive functions in situations of stress and fatigue. It helps the body adapt to stress and counteract the harmful effects of chronic stress. As a result, it improves short- and long-term memory, mental acuity and concentration, and enhances attention, learning capacity and intellectual performance..4
Organic California poppy (Eschscholzia californica, top of the plant) is a support plant in the formula. Stress Less. It belongs to the Papaveraceae family. This plant is widely used in India for its action on sleep. It reduces the time it takes to fall asleep, and can be very useful if you're prone to waking up at night. In conclusion, California poppy promotes relaxation..4, 8
Stress Less by Living Alchemy is a formula that :
- Promotes vitality and reduces stress
- Improves anxiety and mood
- Regulates sleep cycles
- Helps focus and concentration
- Increases stamina and energy
- Stimulates cognitive functions in situations of stress and fatigue
- Improves memory, concentration and intellectual performance
- Improves recovery time after training
- Is a complete range of fermentation-activated nutrients
Letting go is a stress-relieving way of life! Good practice!
About the author
Marie Couture, Certified Naturopath
Specialized in :
- Digestive disorders
- Inflammation
- Hormonal problems
- Stress management
References :
- Côté David and Gallant Mathieu, CrudessenceLes Éditions de l'Homme, 2011, 223 pages
- Marieb Elaine N., Anatomy and physiologyERPI, 1999, 1194 pages
- Portelance Colette, Éduquer pour rendre heureuxLes Éditions du CRAM, 2008, 332 pages
- Rôle et bienfaits du microbiote, La Semaine Santé, Thérien Paul
Products recommended in this article
Stress Less
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