Herpès: les meilleurs remèdes naturels [2025] – La Boite à Grains
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Herpes: the best natural remedies [2025]

by Marie-France Trudelle ND 10 Feb 2025
Herpès : les meilleurs remèdes naturels [2024] - La Boite à Grains

Herpes simplex 1, commonly known as "cold sore" or "fever blister", is one of eight viruses in the virus herpfamily, which also includes its very similar neighbor herpes simplex 2 (or genital herpes), shingles and chickenpox. It is transmitted by close contact with an infected person, with or without symptoms.1

In the early stages of infection, there is usually a general feeling of discomfort that may resemble a cold or flu, with fever, for example, with or without skin lesions, but sometimes no symptoms at all.1, 2, 3

A virus more prevalent than you might think

After the first infection, the virus, whether type 1 or type 2, remains latent in the lymph nodes and can periodically reactivate, triggering the typical, unpleasant symptoms that many people know all too well: unsightly, painful pustules, itching, tingling, purulent blisters and redness. Typically, lesions will affect the lips or mouth, but they can spread to many parts of the body, including the genitals, eyes and brain!1, 2

According to the World Health Organization, the prevalence of this virus is very high:

  • "Worldwide, an estimated 3.7 billion people under the age of 50 (67% of the population) are infected with HSV-1.
  • Worldwide, an estimated 491 million people aged between 15 and 49 (11% of the population) are infected with HSV-2."3

In my private practice, I do notice that very few lucky people have never had a herpes outbreak, and many struggle with the problem on an occasional, recurrent or very recurrent basis.

Medically, there are antiviral drugs to prevent lesions from recurring, and pharmaceutical creams to control symptoms. On the other hand, many people are looking for natural options to help them cope with this problem.

Together, we'll explore some interesting avenues related to this nasty virus, its causes and its natural tools.

Keep in mind, however, that most suggestions can be combined with conventional treatments. Always refer to your doctor or pharmacist if you have a particular health condition or are taking medication.

In this article, we'll be talking mainly about herpes simplex 1, the form of the disease most commonly found on the lips or mouth.

Causes of herpes reactivation

Even if some of them are unknown, there are various causes of reactivation of the virus, such as :

  • illness or fever
  • exposure to the sun
  • cold
  • menstruation
  • an injury
  • emotional or physical stress
  • fatigue
  • Certain medications, such as immunosuppressants1, 2, 3

In a more global vision such as naturopathy, we take a step back to fully understand the links between the causes of virus reactivation, and easily make a connection with immune system balance..4

It seems logical that the reactivation of a virus will be permitted when the immune system is unable to protect us against it?4 So it's mainly this system that remedies will focus on.

It's worth mentioning, however, that several other factors could be involved, such as ganglion temperature (hence the link with reactivation in the cold or heat), imbalance of the intestinal microbiota; such as candidiasis (intimately linked to the immune system), sub-optimal thyroid function (even if undiagnosable), imbalance of sex hormones (estrogen/progesterone), etc.4 and surely others.

What's the right diet for herpes?

The good news is that a balanced diet, quality sleep, healthy stress management and controlled exposure to light are all factors that can counterbalance the risk factors..2, 4, 10 In fact, the balance of all systems, including the immune system, cannot be achieved without a healthy lifestyle..10

When it comes to diet, the basics are still valid: not too many processed foods, lots of plant-based products, color and flavor. We also make sure we get enough protein, because protein is essential for the whole body, including optimal immune function.

Sporadic or intermittent fasting is also a simple and inexpensive way to support your immune system. In fact, a well-known study from the University of Southern California explains the astounding benefits of a 72-hour fast on the immune system.11

Sugar and all its derivatives should also be avoided during and between attacks, as they lower the immune system's defences..2, 4, 5, 10

Foods rich in lysine

lysine-rich foods

Lysine is an essential amino acid (simplest part of a protein) that cannot be synthesized by the body. Lysine has been studied as a blocker of herpes simplex 1 viral replication, as well as helping to heal wounds..2, 4, 5

Food sources of lysine include turkey, shrimp, lima beans, cheese, yeast, eggs, fish, soy and rye bread..2, 4

Foods rich in arginine should also be avoided, as it reduces the action of lysine and restores strength to the virus..5

Food sources of arginine include: most seeds and nuts, especially almonds and cashews, barley, chicken, red beans, wheat, corn, dairy products, chocolate..2

It's clear that foods rich in arginine are also good for your health! In my opinion, it's not optimal to avoid them, especially over the long term. They could be avoided simply in the event of a crisis and/or for a few weeks, while other parameters of the immune system are being worked on.

In fact, the most important thing to know about lysine and arginine is that when arginine levels are higher than lysine levels, the herpes virus is nourished and therefore more likely to manifest itself. But if lysine levels are higher than arginine levels, viral replication is slowed down.4, 5

Herpes: natural supplements to consider

As you've no doubt gathered by now, lysine is often an essential element in the natural management of herpes simplex..2, 4, 5


quantum lysine

That's why, in addition to including dietary sources of lysine, it's also a good idea to take a supplement.

For a healthy adult, we suggest 1000 mg a day for recurrent attacks (prevention), which can be taken over the long term: between 6 and 12 months, unless otherwise advised by a health professional..4

At the first signs of recurrence, it can be increased to 3000 mg per day in 3 to 6 doses. Lysine supplements for healthy adults should ideally be taken on an empty stomach, i.e. 30 minutes before or 2 hours after a meal..12

Adverse reactions have been reported when taking 10 g (10,000 mg) of lysine4 so do not take too much.

It is found in various companies in the form of L-Lysine, 500 mg or 1000 mg. The advantage of the 1000 mg is that you need fewer capsules, but for those who have difficulty swallowing supplements, they often come in large tablets.

W. Gifford-Jones MD makes the product Medi-C Pluswhich also offers lysine powder with a good dose of vitamin C (2000 mg) and calcium (or magnesium). This form may be a good option for people who don't like swallowing several capsules or large tablets.

One 5 g scoop is suggested for prevention, and 2 scoops a day for acute infections..12

For those who don't mind swallowing tablets, I particularly like the supplements of Quantum Health supplements, which contain 500 mg of lysine, as well as several ingredients to support the immune system, such as garlic, vitamin C, echinacea, propolis and liquorice.12

I suggest taking 2 capsules a day for prevention and up to 6 capsules a day in 3 to 6 doses when the first symptoms appear..12

Quantum Health also offers an excellent ointment 100% natural ointment with lysine, olive oil and zinc.12 Its easy-to-apply texture and neutral taste make it a favorite among those who have already tried it.

The ointment is useful only when lesions appear, i.e. in the acute phase, and should be applied every 2 hours, up to a maximum of 10 applications per day..12

Visit Quantum Health lip balm would be appropriate to protect lips from cold/sun and chapped lips between attacks for someone prone to herpes.12

Essential oils

Certain essential oils are useful for minimizing the damage caused by a herpes outbreak:

For an adult, you could mix the 3 essential oils in equal parts and apply one drop of the pure mixture several times a day, 4 to 8 times a day as soon as the first symptoms appear..4, 8, 9

Personally, this is what works best for me, alternating with the ointment and combined with the tablets of Quantum Health.

Advice for children

For my 9-year-old daughter, who has been very sensitive to this virus since she was 15 months old, I used the same formula, but diluted in the same quantity of olive oil. That is, one part of each of the three oils to three parts of olive oil.

I put it in an empty roll-on bottle, ready for quick and easy use.

She also takes lysine as needed, but for children it's better to lower the dose, 500 mg 1 to 2 times a day, and I give it with food rather than on an empty stomach, since lysine alone is not (to my knowledge) confirmed safe for children.

In conclusion

Although lysine is central to the present subject, we mustn't forget the valuable vitamin D which I believe is the most important vitamin for all purposes, but particularly for immunity..4, 6, 7 Studies have even strongly associated non-optimal vitamin D levels in the blood with the presence of oral herpes.6

With the various lysine supplements, essential oils and vitamin D, you've got a good basis for dealing with nasty cold sores, and if you need to, consult a licensed naturopath for support in your approach.

About the author

Marie-France Trudelle, Certified Naturopath

In-depth knowledge of :

  • Nutrition and dietary supplements
  • Stress management and sleep
  • Physical activity and movement
  • Massage therapy


    1. https://www.merckmanuals.com/fr-ca/professional/maladies-infectieuses/virus-herpétiques-herpes-virus/infections-par-le-virus-herpes-simplex-hsv?query=herpes simplex
    2. Marie Cousin, Herpes HSV-1 and HSV-2, therapeutic synthesis, IESN, 2019
    3. https://www.who.int/fr/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/herpes-simplex-virus
    4. https://www.passeportsante.net/fr/Solutions/PlantesSupplements/Fiche.aspx?doc=lysine_ps
    5. https://novoma.com/blogs/articles/lysine-herpes 
    6. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31145049/
    7. Murray, Bender, Botham, Kennelly, Rodwell, Weil, Harper's Biochemistry, 4th edition, Édition de Boeck. 2011, P. 470-471.
    8. Menga, Nathalie, AromathérapieIESN, 2015
    9. Baudoux, Dominique, Laromatherapy - healing with essential oilsEditions Amyris, 2013, 253 p.
    10. Marie-Hélène Lessard, Natural health factor, IESN, 2014
    11. https://www.slate.fr/story/100539/jeuner-trois-jours-systeme-immunitaire#
    12. https://laboiteagrains.com/pages/search-results-page?q=lysine

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