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The Benefits of Nettle with Lynn Goneau

by La Boite à Grains 15 Apr 2024 0 comments


Nettle leaves contain numerous phytochemicals with therapeutic properties. Among the benefits associated with the plant's leaves are :

Diuretic Nettle increases the volume of urinary secretions. This soothes the urinary tract by irrigating the kidneys, bladder and entire urinary tract. This effect is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). Given its diuretic effect, nettle relieves water retention associated with premenstrual syndrome and cellulite.1, 2

Anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic Nettle leaves are effective against rheumatic pain. A German study showed that anti-inflammatory components present in nettle combat joint inflammation. This is why nettle is used in treatment protocols for rheumatism and osteoarthritis.3

Nutritional tonic Nettle is one of the so-called nourishing plants. Nettle is considered a hybrid of botanical medicine and food. Rich in iron, nettle is also a good source of protein (40% of the weight of dried leaves).4, 6

Remineralizing Remineralizing: Nettle is very rich in minerals and trace elements. Its contribution of magnesium, calcium, iron, boron, chromium, copper, manganese, potassium and zinc is fortifying for the body. This is why nettle promotes hair growth. Remineralizing the body with nettle infusions is also a good way to counter dehydration. 1

Treatment for gout Gout: Thanks to its diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects, nettle accelerates the dissolution of uric acid crystals that form in gout sufferers. According to herbalist and physician Rudolph Fritz Weiss, prolonged use of nettle relieves the pain associated with gout. 1, 5

Hypotensive In Germany, where herbal healing is common practice, doctors prescribe nettle to treat high blood pressure. Well tolerated by the body, nettle has none of the side effects associated with pharmaceutical diuretics. 1

Hay fever relief A study conducted in National College of Naturopathic Medicine has shown that dried nettle leaves relieve hay fever symptoms. Moreover, many clinicians believe that nettle should occupy a prominent place in the recommendation of hay fever remedies. 8,9

Detoxification Detoxification: Nettle's depurative action gives it detoxifying and purifying properties. Thanks to its depurative effect, nettle is highly beneficial for skin conditions such as eczema.  4

Pregnancy and childbirth Pregnancy and childbirth: Some traditional herbalists recommend nettle infusions to nourish the foetus and facilitate childbirth. In post-natal care, nettle is used as an anti-haemorrhagic and galactagogue to increase breast milk production. 1

Energy stability Energy stability: Because of its remineralizing and adaptogenic actions, nettle is often used as a tonic in cases of fatigue and exhaustion. Remineralizing the body also helps to alleviate stress and anxiety.


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