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Gluten-free Thai salad

by Naturopathes de La Boite à Grains 25 Apr 2024
Salade thaï sans gluten - La Boite à Grains

Summer is salad season! To cook with freshness and variety, simply diversify your salad menu and reinvent some classics.

This gluten-free Thai salad, although macaroni-based, is nothing like a traditional pasta salad. It's bursting with vegetables, freshness and flavors to delight salad lovers and the less conquered alike. All will be easily seduced by the delicious Asian aromas of this gluten-free Thai salad.

It's a real delight to eat this salad on a hot summer's day. Gluten-free, it can easily accommodate vegan enthusiasts.

Preparation: 35 minutes

Cooking time : 6 minutes





  1. Cook the Gogo Quinoa organic quinoa macaroni macaroni according to manufacturer's instructions. Drain, rinse and set aside.
  2. Cook the edamame natural soybeans, shelled in boiling water for approx. 5 minutes. Drain, rinse and set aside.
  3. While steps 1 and 2 are cooking, prepare the vegetables by washing and trimming as indicated.
  4. Prepare Thai dressing by whisking all ingredients together. If necessary, add one or two tablespoons of water to liquefy the dressing.
  5. To assemble the salad, place the Gogo Quinoa Organic Macaroni macaroni in a large bowl. Add the edamame hulled natural soybeansvegetables and whole unroasted cashews.
  6. Pour in the dressing gradually, tossing the salad gently so as not to break up the cooked macaroni noodles.
  7. Serve as is, as a meal salad or as an accompaniment to a Thai meal.



About the author

Naturopaths of La Boite à Grains

Team of licensed and certified naturopaths (ND) in Gatineau, Outaouais.

Original article written by Véronique Cousineau, Naturopath


La Boite à Grains

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